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Career Advice Needed - BSc Biotech or BSc Simple Medical
I want to know about the future of biotech in India. Please tell me whether biotech is a better choice to opt for and how is it better than simple medical and non medical on the point of job prospect?
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Bsc is not going to land you in a good job (except for teaching, that too after MSc/Phd only). In india, doing Bsc in biotech field is tough on career. You won't get a good job just by doing BSc in Biotech/Medical field. Opt for B.Tech, that has better job prospects. And, if you want to stay in biotech field only, and want to do BSc only, then plan for doing MSc from IITs (that will confirm you a teaching job atleast). For a good job, do B.Tech.


Bsc Biotech or BSc Simple Medical--Rare Chance of Good Job (Sales jobs are in plenty with a meager pay of Rs 10k a month!)

B.Tech Biotech--Better chances of Good Job (QA/Production/RA). But I'll suggest you to go for specialized B.Tech like B.Tech in Food Biotechnology (which has brighter scope ahead.)

Going for GATE later on and attempting admission in IITs can make your career boom!

Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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i have done my msc biotechnology and im working as a technical director for microbiology testing laboratory.

i have an important question like i want to do further courses in biotech but should not be longer than 6 to 12 months.
are there any good biotech short term certification courses in india and mumbai .even online would do

ARAOBig Grin
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(07-07-2013, 07:29 PM)ar_microbio Wrote: i have done my msc biotechnology and im working as a technical director for microbiology testing laboratory.

i have an important question like i want to do further courses in biotech but should not be longer than 6 to 12 months.
are there any good biotech short term certification courses in india and mumbai .even online would do

Have you tried using Coursera? If not, it would be highly beneficial for you. There are courses floated by top notch universities of the world, with duration ranging from 1-6 months! And they are free of cost!

Click here

Hope it helps.

Best wishes!
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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Biotechnology is the application of technology on the living mass (bio) in order to derive a commercial product which is beneficial to the humans and the environment. Biotechnology is becoming a good business area for it is having a striking effect on the country’s economy and as a result there are many well progressed and upcoming biotech firms functioning across the globe with a competence to establish and survive. The common age old practices like use of microorganisms in the preparation of baked products, preparation of beer and other fermentation processes is nothing but the principles of biotechnology. From there Biotechnology has grown itself to greater heights for what it is now. Have we ever dreamt of organ generation or developing genetically modified organisms? Biotechnology has made everything possible and the new age biotechnology is all about genetic engineering and its applications.

Applied Areas of Biotechnology

Genetic Engineering
Industrial Biotechnology
Environmental Biotechnology
Forensic Biotechnology
Bio Informatics
Pharmaceutical applications
Health care
Animal Husbandry
Nano Biotechnology

The career options in Biotechnology

Scientist (Medical, R&D, Process Development)
Clinical Lab technologist/technician
Biomedical Engineer
Regulatory Quality Analyst/ Quality Control Specialist (Bio manufacturing)
Operators (Bio production)
Molecular biologist
Gene Therapist
Research Fellow (Academic institutions, private or government organization)
Regulatory Official
Public relations officer
Sales representative
Patent lawyer

To make a career in any of the fields of Biotechnology one should have a sound knowledge in biological sciences, a under graduate degree in B.Sc biotechnology, BE Biotechnology or B.Tech Biotechnology followed by a masters degree in the same field with required area of specialization. Pursuing PhD followed by post doctoral research will definitely add value to the career. Clearing competitive exams in the same field will be an added advantage. Also students pursuing any other life sciences degree in under graduation can also make a career in Biotechnology by doing a masters degree in the required area of specialization. Other aspects like logical thinking, application oriented thinking, university/college you are graduated from will influence your chances of being absorbed by a biotech firm and the salary package.

Recently the journal Nature Biotechnology has published an article stating the increase in the demand for people to fill in different positions in various Pharma and biotechnology companies in the first quarter of the year 2013.

Everyday advances and developments in the field of biotechnology shows a promising future and once chosen a career in biotechnology one should keep updating about all the biotech related news and information. Biotechnology is the field where learning never ends, the more you learn and the more experience you gain will definitely take you to heights!!
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I Am in my last year...TYBSC biotechnology...
I was initially planning to do MBA in biotech after my Bsc..but many suggested that job opportunities are very less !!
so now planning to do Msc...but confused which subject in msc should i opt. for which has the best scope !! cause at the end its all about earning and job opportunities !! please reply...thankyou !!

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Hello.. I am currently in the third year of an integrated MSc. biotechnology course at Pune university.
I am unable to decide whether a PhD or MBA is a better option for a good career in this field. Could you please give me some advice regarding which would be a better option. I like lab work and am inquisitive about almost every topic, but I dont know what a PhD entails.
Hoping for a speedy reply..
Warm regards...
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(01-10-2015, 10:06 PM)Revatti Wrote: Hello.. I am currently in the third year of an integrated MSc. biotechnology course at Pune university.  
I am unable to decide whether a PhD or MBA is a better option for a good career in this field. Could you please give me some advice regarding which would be a better option. I like lab work and am inquisitive about almost every topic, but I dont know what a PhD entails.
Hoping for a speedy reply..
Warm regards...

Hi Revatti,

I would suggest PhD, considering the fact that you're pursuing MSc and that too from Pune University (well renowned). In India, PhD can stretch from 5-7 years (though these days it's mostly 4-5 years). You would be expected to seriously pursue literature surveys in the topic (PhD topic) for 1st year, followed by practical research. Often, the projects you pursue in BSc and MSc, strongly incline your specific research interests and eventually help you make a decision for the suitable field of research for PhD. My suggestion would be Computational Biology or Biomedical Science (both are hot topics of research these days). But I still believe that your own interest has a strong influence on a smooth research career.

Hope it helps.

Let me know if there's any other doubt to clear.


Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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Bio-Technology is a branch of science that deals with biology and its technological application. It is a research oriented field of study that includes a various subjects like Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell biology, Immunology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Virology along with Engineering and also covers other subjects like Agriculture, Health and  Medicine,  Crop Management, Ecology, Plant physiology, Soil science ,  Seed Technology, Bio statistics etc. A degree in biotechnology opens up to various careers opportunities. 

Some of the important career options in the field of biotechnology are discussed below:

Clinical research associate

A clinical research associate is primarily responsible for the planning, design, execution, and direction of clinical research projects on the whole. They are involved in evaluation and analysis of clinical data and coordination of activities to ensure fulfillment of protocol and overall clinical objectives. An entry-level clinical research associate position generally requires a bachelor degree in science, a registered nurse degree or equivalent, and a minimum of 0 to 2 years' clinical experience in medical research, nursing, or the pharmaceutical industry. Knowledge of FDA regulatory requirements is also preferred.

Biotechnology Laboratory Technician

The biotechnology laboratory technician's key responsibilities is to assist other chief scientists and monitor and maintenance of laboratory instruments, check on and record test results and other basic tasks and also often are in charge of checking parts of the procedures for quality and accuracy. Biotechnology technicians does not require a PhD or masters degree. Many Biotechnology Laboratory Technicians have an Associate degree or certificate and are quite significant and growing portion of the biotechnology job market.

Crime lab technician

Crime Lab Technicians live at the crossroads of science and criminal justice. They apply their knowledge of science to help law enforcement in making decisions about cases. This field has growing importance and is what makes the difference in many modern criminal cases. Individuals with knowledge of biotechnology and biology can provide much needed aid to law enforcement. Employees with a background in biology and biotechnology are well prepared to provide this chemical and physical analysis.

Biomedical engineer

Biomedical Engineers use knowledge of medical field, engineering and biology to build up new devices and products for betterment of the life of patients. They often take on research with scientists from other fields, engineers or business professionals for product development. Biomedical engineers develop products such as prostheses (artificial limbs), artificial organs, information systems, and imaging systems, devices for regulating heart beat or insulin.

Biotechnology research associate

A research associate is responsible for research and development in their respective area of expertise in association with others ongoing projects. He or she makes thorough observations, analysis of data, and interpretation of results. They contribute to the process development of a project within their scientific discipline, as well as investigating, creating, and developing new methods and technologies for project advancement. He or she may also be responsible for identifying patentable inventions and acting as principal investigator in conducting his or her own experiments. A research associate may also be asked to participate in scientific conferences and contribute to scientific journals.

Quality control analyst

The Quality Control Analyst analyses various ingredients to make sure that everything is being operated according to specifications.
They perform tests, assemble and review data obtained with specifications, to ensure that all the processes and products meet up with industry approval.

Quality control engineer

The Quality Control Engineer deals with the quality systems that are involved in the product development process. They design and execute the inspection that ensures whether the product development is according to specifications.

Senior research scientist

Senior Researcher scientists are extremely talented individuals who hold top positions in the R & D departments of biotech companies as well as research institutes. Demand for individuals with this level of skill will continue to increase with advancement of biotechnology. At the corporate level, the Seniors Researcher scientists are mainly responsible for the direction of the research and monitoring of the experimental quality and viability of the product produced. They are also responsible for development of patent applications and organization of the development of a research group. The candidates eligible for this position must have a Ph.D degree along with several years of post doctoral experience.

Environmental engineer

Environmental engineers combine engineering science, biology, and bio statistics to resolve issues related to environment that interconnects with the biotechnology industry. Many biotech engineers work in the field of environmental engineering. Most environmental engineers have bachelor's degrees, and some obtain their masters or above degree.

Biotechnology sales

Sales offers quite a lot of advantages for those who are actually not interested in lab work. This field offers high salaries and a fast paced work environment for candidates with a background in biotechnology.  A degree in biotechnology with proper knowledge allows a salesperson to communicate with and understand their customers in better way compared to other sales people.
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M goin to give entrance exams this year.i had pcm with biotech in 12th.i want to gefr btech biotech but being unsur of the career options and the salary involved my parents wont allow me to go fr is degree.cud u please tell me abt the degree optios career options as well as the salary .that wud hlp me a lot

thank you in advance
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Career Advice Needed - BSc Biotech or BSc Simple Medical51