06-25-2012, 12:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2013, 03:57 AM by Administrator.)
Prevent colon cancer may be as simple as fond mate (mate of tea) you? In a recent study of the University of Illinois, USA, the scientists confirmed that they will die when the human Kdr colon cancer cells were exposed to biologically active compounds exist in a cup of mate, and people in South America because of the medical value of the mate and long-term drinking it. Elvira de Mejia, associate professor, University of Illinois food chemistry and food toxicology, said, "Mate contains caffeine KDSR derivatives induced cell death of human colon cancer, but also reduces inflammation markers." She said, it is very important, because inflammation can lead to cancer progression in a number of steps. In in vitro studies, de Mejia, and former graduate student Sirima Puangpraphant mate in the separation and purification of caffeoylquinic acid (caffeoylquinic acid, the CQA) derivatives, and then use these CQA deal with human KHK colon cancer cells. When the scientists to increase the CQA concentration, cancer cell apoptosis and death. She said, "All in all, the cancer cells because of its DNA and damage self-destructive." She said that the induction of apoptosis or cell death is a promising treatment strategy for all types of KIR2DL1 cancer therapeutic intervention. de Mejia, said that they can be identified leading to cell apoptosis.
Some of the CQA derivatives statistically significantly reduces several inflammatory markers, including of NF-κB. Important enzyme regulating many genes that affect the apoptotic process. de Mejia, said, eventually KIR2DL3 cancer cells in two specific enzymes - semi-caspases -3 (caspase 3) and semi-caspase -8 (the induction of caspase-8) and death. She adds, "If we can reduce of NF-kappa B --- an activity of the importance of inflammation and cancer linked markers ---, we will be better able to control normal cell into a cancer cell." She said that the results of this study strongly suggest mate in caffeine derivatives have potential as anticancer reagents, may also contribute to the treatment and inflammation associated with other diseases. Play a major role in the absorption and metabolism of caffeine related compounds but because of the colon and its microbial community (microflora), so the mate of the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect in the colon can be very effective. She added, "We believe there is sufficient evidence to support drinking mate the effectiveness of biological activity, especially if people have reason to fear colon cancer. People can buy mate tea bags in health food stores but also in large supermarket to buy large amounts. " Scientists have completed a study of the control group rodent colon drink mate as the only water source of the rats and only drink water, will soon be the research results are published.
Some of the CQA derivatives statistically significantly reduces several inflammatory markers, including of NF-κB. Important enzyme regulating many genes that affect the apoptotic process. de Mejia, said, eventually KIR2DL3 cancer cells in two specific enzymes - semi-caspases -3 (caspase 3) and semi-caspase -8 (the induction of caspase-8) and death. She adds, "If we can reduce of NF-kappa B --- an activity of the importance of inflammation and cancer linked markers ---, we will be better able to control normal cell into a cancer cell." She said that the results of this study strongly suggest mate in caffeine derivatives have potential as anticancer reagents, may also contribute to the treatment and inflammation associated with other diseases. Play a major role in the absorption and metabolism of caffeine related compounds but because of the colon and its microbial community (microflora), so the mate of the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effect in the colon can be very effective. She added, "We believe there is sufficient evidence to support drinking mate the effectiveness of biological activity, especially if people have reason to fear colon cancer. People can buy mate tea bags in health food stores but also in large supermarket to buy large amounts. " Scientists have completed a study of the control group rodent colon drink mate as the only water source of the rats and only drink water, will soon be the research results are published.