08-31-2014, 02:33 AM
From the ancient times, fermentation is used as a technique for food preservation. Through fermentation not only the shelf life of the food product is increased along with its microbiological safety, but also the digestibility of the food gets increased. In a few cases (cassava fermentation) even the toxicity of the substrate is reduced.
Starter cultures are the basis of fermented food production. One example is lactic acid bacteria which rapidly increases the acidity of the substrate. Use of lactic acid bacteria in food fermentation is one of the oldest forms of food preservation technique used by mankind. But only recently it received much important scientific attention. Lactic acid bacteria have been used safely for long years and shown no pathogenic properties, thus can be considered as a commercial microorganism. The lactic acid bacteria possess exclusive metabolic properties enabling it to be involved in various fermentation processes of vegetables, milk, meats and cereals. A traditional fermentation technique depends on inoculation from the preceding batch starter cultures. But modern industrial fermentation processes use commercially available inoculums for consistent products. The potential of lactic acid bacteria provided the essential impetus towards the development of its industrially significant strains. Many such strains with industrially important functionality are coming up. Industrially important lactic acid bacteria are used for the production of sugar polymers, antimicrobial substances, aromatic compounds, enzymes, vitamins and even different probiotics. They have the capability to produce important bacteriocins that can act as a food preservative to enhance its shelf life and thus improves its safety.
Both the consumers and producers will be benefited if proper contribution is carried out for the advancement of research towards strain improvement of lactic acid bacteria to be used in food fermentation. Consumer awareness is increasing every day. Diet and health are now linked together by the modern day consumers.
Consumers are now looking to include Probiotics i.e. microbial food supplements having beneficial health effects in their daily diet. Fermented products of lactic acid bacteria comprise most of the probiotic market in the form of curd, yogurt, etc. Probiotics improves the immune system, keeps the intestinal tract healthy, decreases allergies and lactose intolerance and even reduces cancer risks.
Though there is no strong suggestion on the mechanisms of actions of probiotics but may involve antimicrobial product formation, competing with the pathogens for receptors and nutrients, modification of gut pH, stimulating immune cells and lactase production.
Thus fermentation with the help of microorganisms plays important roles in human life, not only through food preservation, but also through the addition of beneficial and essential nutritional factors. Fermentation provides a cost effective, safe and natural approach towards food preservation and healthy diet.
Starter cultures are the basis of fermented food production. One example is lactic acid bacteria which rapidly increases the acidity of the substrate. Use of lactic acid bacteria in food fermentation is one of the oldest forms of food preservation technique used by mankind. But only recently it received much important scientific attention. Lactic acid bacteria have been used safely for long years and shown no pathogenic properties, thus can be considered as a commercial microorganism. The lactic acid bacteria possess exclusive metabolic properties enabling it to be involved in various fermentation processes of vegetables, milk, meats and cereals. A traditional fermentation technique depends on inoculation from the preceding batch starter cultures. But modern industrial fermentation processes use commercially available inoculums for consistent products. The potential of lactic acid bacteria provided the essential impetus towards the development of its industrially significant strains. Many such strains with industrially important functionality are coming up. Industrially important lactic acid bacteria are used for the production of sugar polymers, antimicrobial substances, aromatic compounds, enzymes, vitamins and even different probiotics. They have the capability to produce important bacteriocins that can act as a food preservative to enhance its shelf life and thus improves its safety.
Both the consumers and producers will be benefited if proper contribution is carried out for the advancement of research towards strain improvement of lactic acid bacteria to be used in food fermentation. Consumer awareness is increasing every day. Diet and health are now linked together by the modern day consumers.
Consumers are now looking to include Probiotics i.e. microbial food supplements having beneficial health effects in their daily diet. Fermented products of lactic acid bacteria comprise most of the probiotic market in the form of curd, yogurt, etc. Probiotics improves the immune system, keeps the intestinal tract healthy, decreases allergies and lactose intolerance and even reduces cancer risks.
Though there is no strong suggestion on the mechanisms of actions of probiotics but may involve antimicrobial product formation, competing with the pathogens for receptors and nutrients, modification of gut pH, stimulating immune cells and lactase production.
Thus fermentation with the help of microorganisms plays important roles in human life, not only through food preservation, but also through the addition of beneficial and essential nutritional factors. Fermentation provides a cost effective, safe and natural approach towards food preservation and healthy diet.