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Waste Management and Modern Environmental Biotechnology
In a modern city life we have to deal with enormous waste that we produce through industries and homes. Without proper waste management, our cities will essentially become un-livable. Modern Biotechnology has come up to solve this problem in many ways.

There are various types of wastes like industrial waste, domestic waste and so on. Modern Environmental Biotechnology can provide proper management for them and help us to become more eco-friendly. The microbes have the potential to break and degrade the waste toxins. Australia has already taken initiative to use Biotechnology as a waste management tool. If such kinds of harmful contaminants are directly released in the river or any other source, they will pollute our water systems.

Biotechnology is also being eyed to deal with some of our nuclear and radiation waste, like the Deinococcus radiodurans bacterium may be used to manage the nuclear waste. This bacterium is capable of intoxication of mercury which is connected with the production of nuclear weapons. During the treatment of sewage, bacteria can convert the nitrogenous compound to Carbon-di-oxide and nitrogen.

Several industries like chemical industry, food industry, and brewing industries produce a lot of waste which is needed to be properly managed. Modern biotechnology uses biological processes to manage the waste from such factories. Modern biotechnology can use microbes that are suitable to break down these waste products and it converts some of it into useful products.

Vermiculture is a term used to manage the waste, it refers to the culture of earthworms. Earthworm can degrade the waste due to its gizzard system. Eisenia foetida is used extensively to manage waste and it can be used indoors as well as outdoors. Thus the waste is converted into fertilizer which increases the fertility of soil.

Certain bacterias utilize the toxin materials as their food and can convert the toxic materials into the effective compound for the soil. Thauera aromatic has the capacity to intoxicate the toxin properties of toluene and there is another bacterium that can break even the petroleum. Thus it is apparent that with the advent of Biotechnology and genetic engineering we can manage the waste very easily and effectively. We the people of 21st century are concerned with waste management as well as we think about our climate. So avoiding the chemical treatment and taking the biological system for waste management will expose us to a livable world.
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For waste management and modern enviornment bio technology are surrounding in many of the modern city. There are various types of waste like industrial waste, domestic waste and so on. Modern Biotechnology has come up to solve this problem with stability and this solution is eco-friendly.
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As we say modern biotechnology our innovation should be towards patent and technology transfer to industries mean while we have to monitor the cost management also.
Senior Research Fellow
Thermochemical Lab
Chemical Engineering Department
CLRI (CSIR) ,Adyar ,chennai -20
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I have heard about this.. Modern biotechnology will give proper management for us.. Also it is eco friendly..Of course some bacteria only utilize the toxin materials as their food..
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I am into serious waste management business in Malaysia, just would like to explore new microbes that may be available to speed up our composting process. Appreciate if anyone can guide us on this.

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Hi, I was wondering about if govt has made plans about waste disposal management on mars. They should have made some plans but not telling us, how they manage this disposal management .

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Biotechnology is no doubt providing eco-friendly solutions for the disposal of waste. But i think more awareness should be created among the general public to have more benefits.
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yup, biotechnology has no doubt put up its effort to solve the pollution problems but it need some serious regards by the governments and the concerned people. modern methods should be implicated to recover this disasterous pollution and waste issues all over the world.
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In today’s modern society were industrial revolution is on its peak, there is a change in the way we live in this world. Due to industrial development mankind started to live in a dense population and this further gave the way to develop city which have all the requirements and decencies required to live. Due to industries and increase in population, waste generation also increased. Chemical waste, industrial waste, hazardous waste, radioactive is now present in environment. Those waste formed by nature being take care by nature itself and balance is maintained, like decaying, decomposing which also becomes food for scavengers. But the real problem comes in picture when industrial waste is much hazardous and lethal. The threat is to all aquatic animals, agricultural, other farm animals and humans but the totality of this effect is on our mother earth and the nature in which all we live.
Now a day’s various waste management projects are being initiated by the many countries even lot of funding being raised for the same, the ultimate aim is to save our planet earth and to make it green & natural. Lot of regulations is being developed and is strictly followed; all industries now use waste management and water management systems in their premises. This includes effluent treatment plants, bio-hazard waste management’s, Chemical waste management’s, controlled hazardous waste generation.
Various microbes are developed with genetic engineering which have special features and help in eliminating the waste. One such good example is treatment of Uranium contaminated sites with GMO-microbes which has shown tremendous results. Now a day’s Mercury and other heavy metals are being extracted from the waste by using special strains of microbes. Various methods as such activated sludge, tricking filters, oxidation ponds; membrane bioreactors, etc are used successfully to treat the municipal and industrial waste water. Solid and liquid waste containing high amount of organic waste are now used to obtained methane by using microbes and this gas is used domestically and called as bio-gas .
Let us all, think and act together to make our planet earth green and free from non-biodegradable wastes after all it’s our own mother earth & the only known planet to have life !
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Such a excellent information. The industry of biotechnology has grew up during the past several years covering, in addition to inherited technological innovation, the application of modern microbiological ideas to the new and rapidly creating field of ecological protection. The features between microbiology and environmental incident provides a indicates of understanding procedures leading to pollution occurrence, recognition, tracking, avoidance and control. Biotechnology offers both traditional and impressive solutions to problems associated with water pollution, contaminants of the ground, the weather, and the stratosphere. Environmental biotechnology techniques, or bio processes, are now popular in the recognition and treatment of waste materials, waste waters and other environmental pollutants.
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Waste Management and Modern Environmental Biotechnology51