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Gilead Sciences Latest news and current job openings
Gilead sciences is a pharmaceutical firm aimed at discovering, developing and manufacturing therapeutic medicines. Gilead sciences develops medications for individuals with life threatening diseases. The company primarily develops drugs for treating deadly viral infections such as HIV infection, influenza and hepatitis B. It also develops effective medications against severe respiratory disorders, cardiovascular disease, cancer and inflammation.

Gilead sciences major innovation in the area of drugs includes the first of its kind pill for HIV infected patients. This pill needs to be taken just once a day and to add to it, this is the first antiviral drug that is taken orally. This pill also has a protective effective against HIV infection in individuals of high risk groups.

Gilead sciences is a members of the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index and the S&P 500. The name of this company is coined from Balm of Gilead.

Popular biotech products
Its popular biotech products for HIV / AIDS include Atripla, Complera, Emtriva, Stribild, Truvada and Viread. It also manufactures medicines for combating liver diseases that includes Hepsera and Viread. Gilead Sciences also has hands on expertise for treating cardiovascular diseases such as Letairis, Lexiscan injection and Ranexa. Medications for treating respiratory infections include Cayston and Tamiflu. It also produces injections such as AmBisome, Macugen and Vistide.

Latest discoveries
Gilead sciences is constantly coming up with latest pharmaceutical innovations. Of late one of its discoveries consisted of releasing an oral antiviral agent (GS 4104) that is effective against multiple strains of influenza virus. This drug arrests the viral growth and inhibits its multiplication. So far, only very few treatments were available for treating influenza until the researchers at Gilead sciences introduced the first ever oral antiviral drug.

This drug contains active ingredients of carboxylic compounds that work by inhibiting the enzyme known as neuraminidase which is essential for the viral growth. When the drug GS 4104 was administered in mice it showed 100% survival rates with no toxicity. This drug was also found to be beneficial against several viral strains of influenza A and B.

Recent company takeovers
With each passing year something new happens at Gilead sciences. This company has been awarded by “Fortune” for the Fastest growing companies.
• In the year 2006, Gilead sciences took over 2 pharmaceutical companies that manufactured drugs for treating diseases related to the pulmonary system. By the end of 2009, this company had 4000 employees employed on full – time basis.
• In the year 2007 it merged with Nycomed fr. Atlanta – Cork at $47 million.
• The year 2009 witnessed the merger of Gilead sciences and CV Therapeutics at $1.4 million. This merger opened new doors for the firm as it entered into the area of cardiac care.
• In the year 2010, Gilead sciences took over 2 companies - GCI Pharmaceuticals and Arresto Biosciences at $120 million and $225 million respectively. This helped the firm further widen its areas of kinase biology and chemistry. Acquisition with Arresto Biosciences made way for further research in the area of cancer and fibrotic diseases.
• In 2011 Gilead sciences merged with Calistoga Pharmaceuticals and Pharma, Inc. at $10.4 billion. This merger set new heights for the firm and it took lead in HCV with 7977 Sofsbuvir.
• This year, Gilead sciences and YM Bioscinecs, Inc joined hands at $510 million. With this acquisition, the CYT387 was developed with JAK1 and JAK 2 enzymes. The development of these enzymes made positive impact on the treatment of myeloproliferative diseases, certain types of cancers and inflammatory disorders.

Recent corporate news
Total revenues for Gilead Sciences, Inc. increased by 15% in the second quarter of 2013. The revenues of the company rose from $2.41 billion to $2.77. As per NASDAQ news Gilead Sciences, Inc. shares are trading at $61.75, which is lower by 0.4%. It opened at $61.89 and fell by 0.25 to close at $61.75.

As a company Gilead Sciences Inc., is focused on research. This is a biopharmaceutical company which is focused on HIV related research and also on diseased related to liver which includes Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and also cardiovascular diseases. There is significant amount of research done on diseases related to respiratory conditions.

The growth of the company in the second quarter of the current year is driven by sales efforts in antiviral franchise. The antiviral product sales increased by nearly 15% in this quarter. With the increase in revenue the research and development expenses have also increased, as this is the focus area of the company.

Work culture
The work environment and working culture of Gilead sciences is awesome. One has to see it and experience it to believe it. The employees of this firm are hard-working and leave no stone unturned and strive to deliver the best services to the public. The researchers conduct research to the best of their abilities and churn out wonder drugs for chronic and life threatening illness. This company believes in working together to achieve the best. The core values consist of Integrity, teamwork, accountability and excellence.

Gilead sciences is a store house of intellectual employees expert in the fields of biotechnology and medicine.

Interesting events
The most important upcoming event in the near future is European Society of Cardiology Congress 2013 scheduled on august 31 - September 4 at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Recent job openings -
Gilead sciences is forever on the lookout for new individuals who would carry their mission to greater heights. Cultural background has nothing to do with your portfolio as long as you are qualified and passionate enough to help Gilead Sciences jump to the next level. Job openings are available and interested candidates need to drop their resume either on our website or send emails to the concerned authority at Gilead.
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