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Associates Degree in Biotech?
I was thinking about getting a 2 year degree in Biotechnology.

Is this a good idea? Will there be job opportunities?
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Can you elaborate a bit about you course.
>> Bachelors or Masters ?
>> Which exact field of biotechnology ? ( biotechnology is a huge subject)
>> Is it a well known institute and offers placements after course completion (good campus placement opportunities) ?

Thoroughly find about the institute and course, before devoting your 2 years of life in it. Biotechnology is a wonderful field, but there are some institutions offering useless courses to make money leaving students no-where after completion.

So, once you find answers, you will likely know whether to go for that course or not.

I sincerely hope the college you are aiming is a nice one and will offer you a great career ..
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No I'm talking about an associate degree in Biotechnology.

I'm curious if there would be job opportunities with this degree?
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A two-year associate degree in biotechnology is not a bad option for job opportunities but it may not be the best one. A masters or a PhD is a better option if you want better career opportunities. It also depends which school you take these courses from. Students enrolled in associate degree programs in biotechnology can learn how to perform a myriad of tasks in molecular biology laboratories.

Associate degree holders can seek immediate employment in laboratory settings where they can help researchers in a variety of subjects, such as pharmaceutical, medical research, governmental and legal issues. They may be able to work their way up in the ranks with experience or additional education. Some career options include:

• Biotechnician
• Research technician or assistant to biologists or chemists
• Agricultural research assistant
• Process technician

Doing an internship while doing the two-year degree will improve your chances to get a job and also fetch a better pay. Most of these internships are generally paid, but some may not be. Keep in mind that internships, whether they are paid or not, can be a great way to get your foot in the door at the company you may be interested in working at.

There are some colleges offering online associate degrees too in Biotechnology but I personally feel they are not that great.

To sum it up, find a school, which has a good biotech research lab and then enroll for the course.
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If you done two years of degree in biotechnology then you have some chances to offering a job, but you will done master degree or PHD in biotechnology that's a better one. It offering lot of chances for jobs. In this field their are varieties of different subjects such as pharmaceutical, medical research, governmental and legal issues. After that opening some carrier option for you including Bio-technician, Research technician or assistant to biologists or chemists, Agricultural research assistant, Process technician.
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1. Become an expert in RM. That means many years of study and application.
2. Study the field of consulting. It is much more than just giving advice.
3. Decide what form of consulting firm you would like to practice in (e.g., sole proprietor, boutique, large firm).
4. Sell your skills.

Would also recommend you get at least a BS, and probably an advanced degree.
It is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
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Yes, for me it is a good idea and there's a lot opportunities coming your way. There's no big deal of having an associate degree. We have been told our whole lives that to get a good job in America that you need a four-year degree. But that might be changing. A new study found that those with two-year associate's degrees are now earning more than those with four-year bachelor degrees. Smile
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Associates Degree in Biotech?00