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Base of Medical Vaccines and Biotechnology Products: Cell Culture Technique
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One could wonder how so huge demand of vaccines is being meeting by manufacturers in short span of time. The answer is biotechnology. Today in the field of biotechnology, many such research and development is done which is helping mankind in all ways. One such technique of propagation of required cell is called as cell culture. This technique is helping manufacturer to meet short timelines for production of large scale vaccines. Cell culture is nothing but the growth of cells in controlled condition outside their natural environment is known as cell culture. The culturing of cell generally takes place in multi-cellular eukaryotes like animals and plants. But much culture of bacteria, fungus, plants and other microbes are being maintained and propagated from past. Thus the concept of maintaining the cell line or cell culture came into picture and thus today became the developed and necessary part of many industries and medical field.

There are many applications of cell culture. The main use of cell culture is done in manufacture of viral vaccines. Apart from this, cell culture is used in synthesis of hormones, enzymes and many such biotechnology products. In manufacturing of viral vaccines, mass cultivation of cell line is done. This cell cultures are then used to cultivate viruses which are intra cellular obligatory parasites. Therefore today one cannot think to prepare viral vaccines without the use of cell cultures. Immunobiologicals like monoclonal antibodies, lymphokines, interleukins, and other anticancer agents are prepared with the help of animal cell culture technique. The complex and important protein like erythropoietin is produced using rDNA in bacterial cell culture. Today with the use of animal cells all over the world, the demand is increasing as well as the cost of animal’s cell is high. Therefore plant cells and insect cells are being used and tried for the alternative to animal cells. Further single embryonic cell and other somatic cells of embryo are being used as source for transfer of gene of interest. All these useful products are today available due to the contribution of cell culture technique which is today a important part of biotechnology.

With the growth in cell culture technology, pure form of viral vaccines was being made successfully. Cell culture is related to tissue culture in which propagation of plants is done. The first injectable polio vaccine was successfully developed by Scientist Jonas Salk. He used cell culture technique and had done mass production of viral vaccines today being used against deadly polio disease. With further development in cell culture studies, Scientist John Franklin Enders and et al discovered a new method of growing viruses in kidney cell of money. For this work he was awarded Nobel Prize. Thus he saved many lives from being infected by viral diseases through vaccination which was possible only using cell culture technique.

The technique of cell culture employs few steps 1) Isolation of cells, 2) Maintenance of isolated cell in culture,3) Manipulation of culture cells & 4 ) Passaging etc., For isolation , cells are first purified from sources like blood. Mononuclear cells are isolated with enzymatic digestion from soft tissues. In such case, the enzyme like collagenase, pronase and trypsin is utilized. The enzyme’s active site acts on the substrate and thus breaks down the cellular matrix. One other famous method is explants culture method. In this method, the tissues are cultured in growth media. The cells which grow are isolated easily are available for culture.

Cells cultures are maintained under controlled environmental conditions which are favorable for their growth. The necessary temperature and humidity is provided. The 37 °C is many times used and 4-5 % CO2 is maintained for cells of mammals. All this is maintained in incubators. Another factors like pH, concentration of nutrients, growth factors, osmotic balancing is being taken care of. The other factor like density of plating is also considered. In which number of cells per culture volume is considered to avoid contamination and to enrich the culture properly. Contamination is major issue and can be tackled with the help of clean rooms and providing HEPA filters where the activity is done. Manipulation and passaging of culture is done as per the requirement of quantity of cell culture. Passaging is nothing but sub-culturing in which small number of cell is transferred into new container or vessel. Thus a new cycle of cell culturing is started. Thus today many biotechnology and medicinal products are prepared only with the help of this useful and important technique of cell culturing.
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Base of Medical Vaccines and Biotechnology Products: Cell Culture Technique41