08-19-2013, 06:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 12:05 PM by Administrator.)
Basic Information:
The University of California, Riverside is one of 10 universities within the prestigious University of California system, and the only UC located in Inland Southern California. Widely recognized as one of the most ethnically diverse research universities in the nation, UC Riverside's current enrollment is more than 20,000 students, with a goal of 21,000 students by 2020. The campus is in the midst of a tremendous growth spurt with new and remodeled facilities coming on-line on a regular basis. UC Riverside offers undergraduate and graduate biotechnology programs.
The Department of Biology at UC Riverside conducts research, teaching, and service in many areas of the life sciences, including animal behavior, behavioral endocrinology, bioinformatics, cell biology, conservation biology, developmental biology, ecology, evolution, molecular biology, phylogenetics, physiology, population biology, and systematics. The undergraduate major is designed for students interested in a variety of careers, including basic and applied research, education, environmental science, medicine, and science policy. Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in faculty-mentored research projects. Faculty and graduate students are affiliated with several interdepartmental graduate programs, including Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology (CMDB), Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (EEOB), Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics (GGB), Biomedical Sciences, and Neuroscience.
UC Riverside has available a Natural Reserve System for students interested in studying ecology and the environment. This system was formed by the University of California in 1965 to preserve for study a series of undisturbed natural areas representing the state's vast ecological diversity. Since then the system has grown to include twenty-seven reserves, eight of them administered by the UCR Committee of the Natural Reserve System. The reserves administered by the Riverside campus are described in the Special Study Resources and Facilities section of this catalog. Most of the reserves are undeveloped except for fencing, roads and trails, but laboratory facilities, housing and campgrounds for class use are available at some sites. The reserves are used as outdoor classrooms and laboratories by students, teachers and researchers from educational institutions, public and private, throughout the state, across the nation and around the world. Some of the courses offered by the UCR Department of Biology include field trips and overnight camping trips to the reserves. In the field, students are introduced to the great diversity of plant and animal organisms in Southern California, and to the effect of environmental factors on this diversity.
Undergraduate Programs:
The Department of Biology offers B.A. and B.S. degrees in Biology. The research and teaching of the department includes the different levels of biological organization: cellular, developmental, physiological, organismal, ecological, and populational. An overview of processes at all these levels is presented in the introductory courses and emphasis is placed on the unifying principles of the discipline. Those who choose to obtain a B.S. degree have as a college breadth requirement an additional 16 units in upper-division biology courses and/or substantive courses in a field or fields related to the major. The purpose of this related area is to add strength and breadth to the major and to meet specific requirements for postgraduate study or a chosen career. These courses are selected with the assistance and approval of a faculty advisor. The substantive courses in fields related to the major may be lower or upper division, but they usually have science or mathematics prerequisites. Specializations are available for medical professionals, laboratory technicians, allied health, and teaching.
UC Riverside offers a bachelor’s of science degree in bioengineering from the school of engineering. Students enrolled in the Bioengineering program will have a broad preparation that will enable them to enter various fields such as biotechnology, biomedical engineering, and medicine. Biotechnology companies use modern knowledge of molecular and cellular biology to make a wide variety of products such as antibiotics, hormones (e.g. insulin), vitamins, detergent enzymes, vaccines, and drug delivery systems. Medical companies use current engineering advances to make pacemakers, imaging machines (e.g. MRI, ultrasound, CAT scans), diagnostic tools (gene chips, glucose meters) and tools for minimally invasive surgery. In addition, curriculum at the University of California Riverside provides the core courses for entry into most medical schools.
Freshman applicants to UC Riverside need a minimum high school GPA of 3.0 (in-state) or 3.4 (out-of-state). Students should have the following coursework completed in high school: 2 years history/social science; 4 years English; 3-4 years Mathematics; 2-3 years Foreign Language; 1 year Visual and Performing Arts; 1 year College-Preparatory Elective.
Undergraduate tuition:
In state: $11,220/year
Out of state: $34,098/year
83% of undergraduate students at UC Riverside receive financial aid. Aid is available in the form of loans, scholarships, grants, employment, and work-study.
Graduate Programs:
UC Riverside offers a graduate program in Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Bioloy (EEOB), leading to either a master’s of science degree or a PhD. Students can focus on evolution, ecology, or physiology. Both degrees are primarily research based. Course work is required early on to help students prepare for higher-level studies.
The Bourns School of Engineering offers a bioengineering interdepartmental graduate (BIG) program. The program is designed to allow students to choose their area of study with great flexibility. The BIG program offers both master’s degrees and doctoral degrees. A master’s of science is not required for entry into the PhD program.
The UC Riverside School of Medicine offers a PhD program in biomedical sciences. The mission of UC Riverside’s Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences is to train independent research scientists to enable them to bridge the wide gulfs that currently exist between basic science research and clinical medicine. The program provides graduate students research and educational experiences that uniquely integrate a systems- and disease-based medical curriculum with experimental applications to biomedical research problems. Students in the program are required to work as teaching assistants for at least one quarter.
The priority application deadline for the EEOB program is December 1st. The application deadline for the graduate school is January 5th. GRE testing and 3 recommendation letters are required for application to graduate programs offered at UC Riverside. A minimum GRE score of 300 is required for most programs.
Graduate tuition:
In state: $11,220/year
Out of state: $26,322/year
UCR offers a variety of multi-year fellowship packages for incoming students that may include stipends, full or partial payment of tuition and fees, and appointment as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or Graduate Student Researcher (GSR). The fellowships help students offset the cost of education.
Applied 26,480
Admitted 20,094 76%
Enrolled total 4,469
Full Time: 4,458
Part Time 11
Test 25th % 75th %
SAT Reading 450 560
SAT Math 480 610
SAT Writing 460 570
ACT Composite 19 24
ACT English 17 24
ACT Math 19 26
ACT Writing 0 0
Other Information:
18,539 undergraduates
2,466 graduate students
107 Bachelor’s degree programs; 56 Master’s degree programs; 477 PhD programs; and 10 state teaching certifications
Washington Monthly 2011 ranked UCR 5th in the nation in contributing to the public good.
U.S. News & World Report ranked UCR among the top tier of universities nationwide in their 2010-11 survey.
Undergraduate Programs and Majors:
Biochemistry (BA/BS)
Bioengineering (BS)
Biological Science (BS)
Biology (BA/BS)
Graduate Programs:
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (MS/PhD)
Evolutionary Biology Joint-Doctoral Program with San Diego State University
Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Biomedical Sciences
Application Deadlines:
Undergraduate: Applications are accepted November 1st through November 30th
Graduate: The priority deadline is January 5th. Some programs may still accept applications after January 5th; however, spaces will be limited.
Applications to UC Riverside are submitted electronically via the school’s website. Undergraduate applications can be submitted at: https://admissions.universityofcaliforni...login.htm
Graduate applications can be submitted at: https://gradsis.ucr.edu/gradsis/GSIS_LOG...n_student
The University of California, Riverside is one of 10 universities within the prestigious University of California system, and the only UC located in Inland Southern California. Widely recognized as one of the most ethnically diverse research universities in the nation, UC Riverside's current enrollment is more than 20,000 students, with a goal of 21,000 students by 2020. The campus is in the midst of a tremendous growth spurt with new and remodeled facilities coming on-line on a regular basis. UC Riverside offers undergraduate and graduate biotechnology programs.
The Department of Biology at UC Riverside conducts research, teaching, and service in many areas of the life sciences, including animal behavior, behavioral endocrinology, bioinformatics, cell biology, conservation biology, developmental biology, ecology, evolution, molecular biology, phylogenetics, physiology, population biology, and systematics. The undergraduate major is designed for students interested in a variety of careers, including basic and applied research, education, environmental science, medicine, and science policy. Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in faculty-mentored research projects. Faculty and graduate students are affiliated with several interdepartmental graduate programs, including Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology (CMDB), Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (EEOB), Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics (GGB), Biomedical Sciences, and Neuroscience.
UC Riverside has available a Natural Reserve System for students interested in studying ecology and the environment. This system was formed by the University of California in 1965 to preserve for study a series of undisturbed natural areas representing the state's vast ecological diversity. Since then the system has grown to include twenty-seven reserves, eight of them administered by the UCR Committee of the Natural Reserve System. The reserves administered by the Riverside campus are described in the Special Study Resources and Facilities section of this catalog. Most of the reserves are undeveloped except for fencing, roads and trails, but laboratory facilities, housing and campgrounds for class use are available at some sites. The reserves are used as outdoor classrooms and laboratories by students, teachers and researchers from educational institutions, public and private, throughout the state, across the nation and around the world. Some of the courses offered by the UCR Department of Biology include field trips and overnight camping trips to the reserves. In the field, students are introduced to the great diversity of plant and animal organisms in Southern California, and to the effect of environmental factors on this diversity.
Undergraduate Programs:
The Department of Biology offers B.A. and B.S. degrees in Biology. The research and teaching of the department includes the different levels of biological organization: cellular, developmental, physiological, organismal, ecological, and populational. An overview of processes at all these levels is presented in the introductory courses and emphasis is placed on the unifying principles of the discipline. Those who choose to obtain a B.S. degree have as a college breadth requirement an additional 16 units in upper-division biology courses and/or substantive courses in a field or fields related to the major. The purpose of this related area is to add strength and breadth to the major and to meet specific requirements for postgraduate study or a chosen career. These courses are selected with the assistance and approval of a faculty advisor. The substantive courses in fields related to the major may be lower or upper division, but they usually have science or mathematics prerequisites. Specializations are available for medical professionals, laboratory technicians, allied health, and teaching.
UC Riverside offers a bachelor’s of science degree in bioengineering from the school of engineering. Students enrolled in the Bioengineering program will have a broad preparation that will enable them to enter various fields such as biotechnology, biomedical engineering, and medicine. Biotechnology companies use modern knowledge of molecular and cellular biology to make a wide variety of products such as antibiotics, hormones (e.g. insulin), vitamins, detergent enzymes, vaccines, and drug delivery systems. Medical companies use current engineering advances to make pacemakers, imaging machines (e.g. MRI, ultrasound, CAT scans), diagnostic tools (gene chips, glucose meters) and tools for minimally invasive surgery. In addition, curriculum at the University of California Riverside provides the core courses for entry into most medical schools.
Freshman applicants to UC Riverside need a minimum high school GPA of 3.0 (in-state) or 3.4 (out-of-state). Students should have the following coursework completed in high school: 2 years history/social science; 4 years English; 3-4 years Mathematics; 2-3 years Foreign Language; 1 year Visual and Performing Arts; 1 year College-Preparatory Elective.
Undergraduate tuition:
In state: $11,220/year
Out of state: $34,098/year
83% of undergraduate students at UC Riverside receive financial aid. Aid is available in the form of loans, scholarships, grants, employment, and work-study.
Graduate Programs:
UC Riverside offers a graduate program in Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Bioloy (EEOB), leading to either a master’s of science degree or a PhD. Students can focus on evolution, ecology, or physiology. Both degrees are primarily research based. Course work is required early on to help students prepare for higher-level studies.
The Bourns School of Engineering offers a bioengineering interdepartmental graduate (BIG) program. The program is designed to allow students to choose their area of study with great flexibility. The BIG program offers both master’s degrees and doctoral degrees. A master’s of science is not required for entry into the PhD program.
The UC Riverside School of Medicine offers a PhD program in biomedical sciences. The mission of UC Riverside’s Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences is to train independent research scientists to enable them to bridge the wide gulfs that currently exist between basic science research and clinical medicine. The program provides graduate students research and educational experiences that uniquely integrate a systems- and disease-based medical curriculum with experimental applications to biomedical research problems. Students in the program are required to work as teaching assistants for at least one quarter.
The priority application deadline for the EEOB program is December 1st. The application deadline for the graduate school is January 5th. GRE testing and 3 recommendation letters are required for application to graduate programs offered at UC Riverside. A minimum GRE score of 300 is required for most programs.
Graduate tuition:
In state: $11,220/year
Out of state: $26,322/year
UCR offers a variety of multi-year fellowship packages for incoming students that may include stipends, full or partial payment of tuition and fees, and appointment as a Teaching Assistant (TA) or Graduate Student Researcher (GSR). The fellowships help students offset the cost of education.
Applied 26,480
Admitted 20,094 76%
Enrolled total 4,469
Full Time: 4,458
Part Time 11
Test 25th % 75th %
SAT Reading 450 560
SAT Math 480 610
SAT Writing 460 570
ACT Composite 19 24
ACT English 17 24
ACT Math 19 26
ACT Writing 0 0
Other Information:
18,539 undergraduates
2,466 graduate students
107 Bachelor’s degree programs; 56 Master’s degree programs; 477 PhD programs; and 10 state teaching certifications
Washington Monthly 2011 ranked UCR 5th in the nation in contributing to the public good.
U.S. News & World Report ranked UCR among the top tier of universities nationwide in their 2010-11 survey.
Undergraduate Programs and Majors:
Biochemistry (BA/BS)
Bioengineering (BS)
Biological Science (BS)
Biology (BA/BS)
Graduate Programs:
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (MS/PhD)
Evolutionary Biology Joint-Doctoral Program with San Diego State University
Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Biomedical Sciences
Application Deadlines:
Undergraduate: Applications are accepted November 1st through November 30th
Graduate: The priority deadline is January 5th. Some programs may still accept applications after January 5th; however, spaces will be limited.
Applications to UC Riverside are submitted electronically via the school’s website. Undergraduate applications can be submitted at: https://admissions.universityofcaliforni...login.htm
Graduate applications can be submitted at: https://gradsis.ucr.edu/gradsis/GSIS_LOG...n_student