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Gluten free wheat is produced!
What does Gluten mean?

Basically, Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat. It gives elasticity to dough and pushes it to augment and keep its shape. It is supposed to be combined form of gliadin and glutenin, that joins with starch in different grains. Gliadin is responsible for enabling bread to augment properly and glutenin is the major protein of wheat having total content of 47%.

What Is Celiac Disease?

This disease occurs when people intake any eatable thing and their immune system reacts negatively and causes serious damage to small intestine. Exactly, many parts of the intestines are damaged which also last serious repercussions. On the other hand, villi plays pivotal role in absorbing the nutrients directly into the bloodstream. And, it is perceived that if you do not have a healthy villi, you may fall prey to malnourishment irrespective of eating more or less on daily basis.

Diagnosing The Disease

The results of the blood test could help to detect the Disease of Celiac. If blood test has been in positive for the certain antibodies, an upper endoscopy could be happened to assess possible effects to the small intestine, more importantly the part of duodenum. If the villi happened to be flattened, doctors specialized in diet , would collaboratively work with the patient to make gluten free diet. This would be just evolution process of going through the tests.

Hence, after the passage of few months, the patient may be directed for some other rounds of blood tests and endoscopy for evaluating the body response. Yes, genetic test is also necessary for the close kith and kins of the affected Celiac patients because this disease comes under hereditary purview and lasts effects in first five close relatives.
Last but not the least, this is a serious disease which should not be neglected. It is reported to have said that 18 million people of United States have been warranted to this problem.
Sasa Milosevic
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Gluten free wheat is produced! - by BojanaL - 11-29-2012, 10:40 PM
RE: Gluten free wheat is produced! - by sale0303 - 01-05-2014, 10:56 AM

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