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Help with title for Biotechnology dissertation
Hi guys,
I am a second year Biomedical science student at Oxford Brookes University and am in the middle of my research based project which will be used as my primary research for my dissertation. I need some help in coming up with the title of my dissertation as I haven't been assigned one.

Currently I am working for a biotechnology company (Bioline) in North London and am working in R&D on various projects. These are spread over varying aspects of PCR. My work involves helping to re-design and tailor PCR reagents (dyes, mixes, polymerases etc) for customers. For this reason there is no specific focus for my project other than modifying various aspects of PCR to better suit the conditions that are required. For example I had to help re-develop a PCR kit to work better with a particular set of primers a customer needed to use.

Can you help me come up with a good title for this? It needs to propose my research in an all encompassing way. It should translate to mean something along the lines of: Looking at varying aspects of PCR, both endpoint and qPCR, and modifying/redeveloping various aspects of it to suit particular customer needs.

I am not allowed to say much, but o give you an idea of what I'm doing for example here are two of the projects that Im working on:
. Modifying PCR mix so that it provides usable results in endpoint PCR for a particular set of primers (and re-designing the primers if nessecary).
. Modifying Dye mixes to help a customer get better amplification graphs when doing qPCR

Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance, Joe
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Help with title for Biotechnology dissertation - by Joseph Rhodri Harrison - 08-15-2014, 11:51 PM
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Help with title for Biotechnology dissertation00