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What is the future of biotechnology?
Genomics is the future.Our today environment will lead us to the future ,the future is DNA and it is Genes,,combining them and preserving them creating a stronger human race.mutating gene, genetic engineering , DNA sequencing , experimenting in many ways, fighting with today to see a better future,Future is drug developments,future is making universal vaccine.Surviving the dying species with the help of biotechnology only.Future has many challenges and if we can see them today,there are many possibilities ahead.Genetically modified humans,gene therapy((no use of drugs just modifying genes data n ending the disease)),Genes data gadgets,food technology ,They are Endless really endless,"Future is bringing back the history" like bringing animals or species(Ancient bacteria,enzymes) which have died in past but with their tiny biological stresses(biological data) that might be present anywhere on planet on asteroids,might be helpful in bringing them back alive.

Imagine my friend imagine!!! so I will say "" FUTURE IS BRINGING ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES WITH IT "" really indeed !!! There are many Blockbusters to come !!
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The biotechnology had today developed such monoclonal anitbiotics which In principle, can be made against any macromolecule and used to specifically locate, purify or even potentially destroy molecule as for example with anticancer drugs.
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I'm doing BS Hons. in biotechnology. After it, What should i do? Should i do MS or apply for job?
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I agree with that. Biotechnology is one of those field which has the brightest future. I must say that using technology in this field has bring some splendid changes in our daily life that was hard to imagine.
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Hey Guys well i think that there is a good chance in biotechnology like many government or private medical centers have started or will start soon. Every medical centers wants doctors. So i think that a better opportunity for those who do in biotechnology. Thanks!!
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DNA screening could prevent many diseases, gene therapy could cure them and, thanks to lab-grown organs, the human body could be repaired as easily as a car, with spare parts readily available. Ultimately, the ageing process itself could be slowed down or even halted.

... WOW !!
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Lets read what big guys of the industry have to say !!

A very nice introduction for biotech beginners .. had to share it with you.

Biotechnology is still a relatively new field with great potential for driving medical progress. Much of that progress is likely to result from advances in personalized medicine. This new treatment paradigm aims to ensure that patients get the therapies best suited to their specific conditions, genetic makeups, and other health characteristics.

For example, a new discipline called pharmacogenomics seeks to determine how a patient's genetic profile affects his/her responses to particular medicines. The goal is to develop tests that will predict which patient genetic profiles are mostly likely to benefit from a given medicine. This model is sometimes called personalized medicine.

Pharmacogenomics has already changed the way clinical trials are conducted: Genetic data is routinely collected so that researchers can determine whether different responses to a test medicine might be explained by genetic factors. The data is kept anonymous to protect patients’ privacy.

Biotechnology is also revolutionizing the diagnosis of diseases caused by genetic factors. New tests can detect changes in the DNA sequence of genes associated with disease risk and can predict the likelihood that a patient will develop a disease. Early diagnosis is often the key to either preventing disease or slowing disease progress through early treatment.

Advances in DNA technology are the keys to pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine. These developments promise to result in more effective, individualized healthcare and advances in preventive medicine.

Looking ahead
The practice of medicine has changed dramatically over the years through pioneering advances in biotechnology research and innovation; and millions of patients worldwide continue to benefit from therapeutics developed by companies that are discovering, developing, and delivering innovative medicines to treat grievous illnesses. As companies continue to develop medicines that address significant unmet needs, future innovations in biotechnology research will bring exciting new advances to help millions more people worldwide.

Gene therapy involves inserting genes into the cells of patients to replace defective genes with new, functional genes. The field is still in its experimental stages but has grown greatly since the first clinical trial in 1990.

Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can mature into different types of functional cells. Stem cells can be grown in a lab and guided toward the desired cell type and then surgically implanted into patients. The goal is to replace diseased tissue with new, healthy tissue.

Nanomedicine aims to manipulate molecules and structures on an atomic scale. One example is the experimental use of nanoshells, or metallic lenses, which convert infrared light into heat energy to destroy cancer cells.

New drug delivery systems include microscopic particles called microspheres with holes just large enough to dispense drugs to their targets. Microsphere therapies are available and being investigated for the treatment of various cancers and diseases.


Reference and additional information at:
Thanks Amgen !!
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As biotechnology has become widely used, questions and concerns have also been raised. The most vocal opposition has come from European countries. One of the main areas of concern is the safety of genetically engineered food.
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Future of Biotechnology in India depends on various key factors and Government is quite positive in ensuring a bright future of Biotechnology in India. It will be a dream to any scientific community to manage supportive growth and development through biotechnological approach for the betterment have human livelihood. All the primary sectors including health, nutrition, food, agriculture and environment responsible for sustainable development of human life can be benefited from the proper utilization of biotechnology.
If we can manage to narrow the gap between these dreams and reality we will definitely have a thriving socio-economic growth in India with the help of Biotechnology. For this we need several time bound, result initiated and well planned projects to run simultaneously. We must utilize the potential of biotechnology through projects covering genomics (human, animal, plant and microorganisms); vaccine development; the invention of new drugs; diagnosis of diseases; drug delivery system; therapeutics; low cost waste management; low cost protein production; biofuel production; enhancement of nutritious food crops; farming technologies; pollution control; biodiversity conservation and restoration of damaged ecosystem. For proper result all these sectors should get long term support to carry out basic research involving proteomics, genetic engineering and molecular biological techniques. Monitoring well defined missions and project for a longer time will definitely prove successful in the long run and we will be able to address the emerging problems of our nation in all the above mentioned sectors.
Apart from research, the next step i.e. the development of the findings for their proper implementation and commercialization of the successful projects is also of extreme importance. Biotechnology can become the economic force that can drive this nation forward. Proper integration of knowledge and information by implementing data bank can bring in the rapid progress in biotechnology sectors that we are desperately looking for. Introduction of transgenics in agricultural sectors will facilitate the production of enzymes, valuable biochemicals, vaccines along with disease and stress resistant crops which can survive water logging, high salinity, drought etc. Increase in nitrogen fixation through better nitrogen fixing microbes, genetic manipulation of plant genes to help quicker reforestation will help both forest sectors and availability of timber. Development of low cost yet highly efficient diagnostic tools for diseases including HIV, cancer, tuberculosis, malaria and several genetic disorders can help fight these diseases in more efficient manner. Development of DNA vaccines will be the next step. Our age-old knowledge of Ayurveda and other traditional medicines can be modernized for commercialization through biotechnological route.
Overall the future of biotechnology in India has endless potential in every sector. All we need is the proper channelling of our knowledge, information, time and money to become a leader in biotechnology community.
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  • The Indian biotech industry will grow at an average growth rate of around 30% a year and reach USD 100 Billion by 2025.

  • The Indian bio-economy grew to USD 4.3 Billion at the end of 2013, up from USD 530 Million in 2003.

  • The Indian biotech industry grew by 15.1% in 2012–13, increasing the market’s revenues from USD 3.31 Billion in 2011-12 to USD 3.81 Billion in 2012–13.

  • The market size of the sector is expected to rise up to USD 11.6 Billion by 2017 due to a range of factors such as growing demand for healthcare services, intensive R&D activities and strong government initiatives.

  • The Indian biotechnology sector is divided into five major segments — bio-pharma, bio-services, bio-agri, bio-industrial and bio-informatics.

  • The bio-pharmaceutical sector accounts for the largest share of the biotech industry with a share of 64% in total revenues in 2013, followed by bio-services (18%), bio-agri (14%), bio-industrial (3%) and bio-informatics (1%).

  • Revenue from bio-pharma exports reached USD 2.2 Billion in 2013, accounting for 51% of total revenues of the biotech industry.

The sector has seen high growth with a CAGR in excess of 20% and the key drivers for growth in the biotech sector are increasing investments, outsourcing activities, exports and the government’s focus on the sector.

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What is the future of biotechnology?51