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I have appeared gate biotechnology this year...but it was not as good as much I expected.. And result is coming on one day later...standing at this point I am confused...should I join in any company as I have got some campusing jobs...or I should repeat gate?i mean should I take this risk??.. As everyone e is saying that it will be a stupid decision... But I think I  crack suggest me something... Ur suggestions are important Sad
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(03-18-2016, 01:46 AM)Madhuja01_mukherjee Wrote: Sir,
I have appeared gate biotechnology this year...but it was not as good as much I expected.. And result is coming on one day later...standing at this point I am confused...should I join in any company as I have got some campusing jobs...or I should repeat gate?i mean should I take this risk??.. As everyone e is saying that it will be a stupid decision... But I think I  crack suggest me something... Ur suggestions are important Sad

Take the job and appear for GATE as well next year.

When ever a person drops, he/she assumes that he/she will spend good time on studying. But, it turns out usually that he/she wastes more time and studies less (it is in human nature not to spend 100% of his/her time and effort on a single thing). And personally, even I believe and suggest that one should incline him/herself more towards "multi-tasking". Your mind will be more fresh and active (and indulging), when you are living for more than one tasks at hand. Living for one single task (which requires you to confine yourself at home/four walls) will ultimately decrease the efficiency and smartness of your mind (or in simple words, it might soon start being boring).

On the other hand, if you spend just one hour a day for GATE, after/before your job (which will bring new learnings and experiences), that will be more productive than 5-6 hours everyday (which I believe is too much information load for the mind). Plan smartly, enjoy your job and set clear and small goals everyday for your GATE preparation. You have ample time at hand (and you really don't need to spend 5-6 hours every day till next year to crack GATE). Most importantly, that way you won't live with the fear of "What will happen if I don't make it". A fearless mind is the most important ingredient for Success.

Hope it helps

Best wishes
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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GATE 2016 WAS VERY TOUGH &  I APPLIED FOR JNU M.TECH.entrance. There is no answer key for previous years QP. Please guide me sir
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Thank u soo much sir
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