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My Daughter studying Bsc Bio Tech
Dear Sir

My Daughter is studying Bsc Bii-Tech and she is in 4th Sem.Pls guide what she should do post completing her Bsc.How she can brigten her job avenues and what field she should choose.


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Hello Achal,

It would depend on her skills. If she has strong soft skills she might be interested in pursuing the business side of biotech, if she is stronger in her laboratory work then she might want to get into research or focus on being a lab manager. There are a million options in biotech, but it depends on what skills your daughter has, what she's interested in, and what opportunities are available to her or she can create for herself.

Adding a business program to the biotech education is a great way to ensure she has employability and is targeted for a good quality job, but if she wants to avoid the business end, she might be ready for employment right now. If she is weaker in her lab skills because she studied in university (they tend to focus less on hands-on work), then she might want to consider a college program that offers a lot of experience in a lab setting.

As you can tell, it's hard to pinpoint what is right for your daughter just knowing that she is going to be graduating a biotech program. There are so many options as far as what she would be best suited for, what she is most interested in and what is available to her in her area, so there are too many variables to consider.

Has she told you what she is most interested in doing?

BTW, there are plenty of smart women in here too! Not just Sirs Tongue

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hey sir,i have passed my 12th maharashtra board with pcb and i am intrested in biotech ,i want to be a scientist mainly in r&d related to molecular biology or rdna technology or i can even do bioinformatics!!or even i can be a teacher for my love towards the subject. and i have no intrest in marketing and mba after bsc i will try for IIT for msc!but the problem is should i do my phd here or in foreign country ,as heard phd over there is too costly but will fetch u job quickly,and whats the average pay for a molecular biology teacher or a reasearch scientist in india and abroad after doing phd in molecular biology!!!can i be a professor in a reputated college?,or can i be a teacher in usa for molecular biology or any biotech subject?or a scientist in abroad ?!please give me a broad perspective abt salary in india vs abroad and what should i do.wheather molecular biology(scientist or teacher)or bioinformatics(because coding is fun) please please sir need a expert perspective!!!
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