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Role of Biotechnology in Climate Change
Days are passing by and the freshness of our planet is fading. The first steps of human beings on this planet trace back to about 4 billion years. Humans have been harrowing the nature by the barbarous activities over the years. We have polluted, transformed and altered the delicate balance of nature. If these destructive activities continue, our planet will be annihilated within a short period of time. Should we allow it .. NO! The Green revolution through Biotechnology is certainly the best and the most reliable answer for changing our climate.

Temperature rising on our planet, melting ice and intensifying cyclones are the most common symptoms of climate change and humans have a great hand in this change (if not all). An increase in the level of carbon-di-oxide and other greenhouse gases are the main culprits for climate change. Reducing CO2 is extremely important.

We can modify the plants through genetic engineering so that they can take more carbon from atmosphere and convert it to oxygen. Mixing microbes in the soil can be an option as it can retain carbon as well as increase the soil fertility. The potency of ocean microbes may be increased so that they can remove carbon from the atmosphere and deposit this carbon in Deep Oceans. But security measures should be taken to overcome any negative effect this may cause to our oceans. Modern environmental biotechnology is the best solution in this regard.

Modern biotechnology and genetic engineering can manipulate plant genes so that it will be possible to grow that type of plant in regions which do not have much water or other favorable conditions in their current form. We certainly have to reduce pollution and carbon emissions.

Genome sequence of various microbes and plants has opened an advanced era where we can manipulate genes for reducing the carbon emission and can change the climate within short time. Genetic manipulation is a safe way to save the world and is the best option in cutting green house gas emission. Bio-fuel from the advanced biotechnology has solved the problem of energy to a great extent.
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The potential for technologies in the agricultural framework to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane is immense. The emissions of these gases compose 1/5 of the radiative forcing effecting climate change. Radiative forcing refers to the act of radiation energy moving in and out of the atmosphere; more radiation energy can lead to hotter temperatures and vice versa. There are many areas of environmental technology which can be supplemented to reduce radiative forcing; restoration of degraded lands is one viable option.
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The technologies for the agriculture framework to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and so on. There are so many areas for the enviormental technology which can be supplimented to reduce the radiative forcing because it can be have hotter temperature for the climate also.
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The role of the biotechnology in environmantal climate is very amazing even our biotechnologist are making great efforts to do change in every kind.
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The most common symptoms in the climate change are increasing temperature, reducing ice and increasing cyclones. Rising the level of carbon-Di-oxide are the very dangerous for humans. So decreasing CO2 is very essential. In biotechnology, crop and plants are doing most important role by reducing CO2 pollutants and the impact of climatic change on food safety. Climate change which can be to estimate the rain fall, wind and sunshine design in an area or it can be to estimate the change in environment due to various human and climatic change activities.
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The wonders of biotechnology can help lessen the harmful effects and consequences of climate change. We just have to find cost-efficient ways to do so.
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The role of biotechnology is of extreme importance in the context changing climate and food security especially in third world countries. According to FAO, food security is a state when it can be safely declared that ‘”all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. With ever increasing population of this world, increasing demand for quality food and increasing food price; achieving food security is a great challenge. Changing environmental conditions have worsened things in the global food market. There are continued decline in food production in third world countries and urbanization made the situation very difficult.
All the benefits of biotechnology currently heavily focuss on developed countries. The low agricultural productivity, wrong policy, lack of available technologies, seasonal dependency, insufficient water and year to year variability in food production in all third world countries is a major challenge to the modern world and biotechnology community.
Problems with farmers having inadequate incomes in both urban and rural sectors are another important issue. The high food price is the most significant concern that needs urgent attention. The high price food alone is responsible for the majority of the food insecurity in third world countries. Special efforts are needed to overcome this global challenge and adapting to biotechnological route will be a crucial factor in this scenario.
As most of the currently running privately funded research on genetically modified crops is meant for developed countries and their large scale farmers, they have little importance in solving the current problem associated with third world countries. So there is an urgent need for technology development for small scale farmers in third world countries to enable them using the technique of GM crops. Crops which provide food and income to third world country farmers like maize, rice, sorghum, millet, yams, cassava etc. have been totally ignored by the private companies. GM crops of these variants should be introduced to solve the current food problem. For this Government aid can be the only solution as private sectors will not be interested in things with less profit. Proper policies and research projects relevant to third world country's food production should be undertaken in sufficient number to meet the current necessity. Identification of critical problems, shortcoming, capabilities of safe use of biotechnology along with establishing proper regulatory guidelines for commercialization, advanced research and consumer protection should be taken care of. Hope we will achieve global food security with the help of modern biotechnology in the near future.
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Role of Biotechnology in Climate Change51