I've completed Bsc in biotechnology and want to opt for a one year course to complete 12+4 yrs of education for eligibity for admission in US. Can I opt for an online or distance education course or is it a requirement to complete a classroom course? Please help me out. Also, can it be unrelated to biotech?
(05-06-2018, 03:48 PM)pradnya.somo Wrote: I've completed Bsc in biotechnology and want to opt for a one year course to complete 12+4 yrs of education for eligibity for admission in US. Can I opt for an online or distance education course or is it a requirement to complete a classroom course? Please help me out. Also, can it be unrelated to biotech?
It must be a full time course only! Ideally you should go for MSc than opting for some one year private diploma course which may or may not be acceptable.
Thank you for replying! But the thing is, I want to do MS in US, I dont want to complete an MSc course in India. Also, I'll have better chances at PhD in the same department if I complete MS there. And I'm really interested in Clinical research. So what should I do?