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List of Institutes for Biotech Internships in India
Considering the major need for having a reference list of institutes which one can try for internships in Biotechnology, following is a draft compilation. Will keep adding more to these and request you all to share appropriate contacts/ name of reputed institutes, if you have/know any:

Following list is in Alphabetical order:

  1. Advanced Centre for Treatment Research  and Education in Cancer [ACTREC], Mumbai
  2. All India Instiute of Medical Sciences  [AIIMS], New Delhi
  3. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research  [ACBR], DU [North Campus], New Delhi
  4. Bose Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal
  5. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Cell Biology Division, Bombay
  6. Central Drug Research Institute [CDRI],  Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  7. Central Food Technological Research  Institute [CFTRI], Mysore, Karnataka
  8. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow
  9. Centre for Cellular and Molecular  Biology [CCMB], Hyderabad, Telangana
  10. Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and  Diagnostics [CDFD], Hyderabad, Telangana
  11. Indian Institute of Chemical Biology  [IICB], Kolkata, West Bengal
  12. Indian Institute of Chemical Technology  [IICT], Hyderabad, Telangana
  13. Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine  [IIIM], Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir
  14. Indian Institute of Science [IISc],  Bangalore
  15. Insitute of Genomics  and Integrative Biology [IGIB], New Delhi
  16. Institute of Bioresources and  Sustainable Development [IBSD], Imphal, Manipur
  17. Institute of Life Sciences [ILS],  Bhubaneshwar
  18. Institute of Microbial Technology  [IMTECH], Chandigarh
  19. International Center for Genetic  Engineering and Biotechnology [ICGEB], New Delhi
  20. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced  Scientific Research [JNCASR], Bangalore
  21. National Botanical Research Institute  [NBRI], Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  22. National Brain Research Centre [NBRC],  Gurgaon, Haryana
  23. National Center for Cell Science [NCCS],  Pune, Maharashtra
  24. National Centre for Biologcal Sciences  [NCBS], Bangalore
  25. National Chemical Laboratory [NCL],  Pune, Maharashtra
  26. National Dairy Research Institute  [NDRI], Karnal, Haryana
  27. National Environmental Engineering  Research Institute [NEERI], Nagpur, Maharashtra
  28. National Insitute of Immunology [NII],  New Delhi
  29. National Insitute of Nutrition [NIN],  Hyderabad, Telangana
  30. National Institute For Research In  Reproductive Health [NIRRH], Mumbai
  31. National Institute of Animal  Biotechnology [NIAB], Hyderabad, Telangana
  32. National Institute of Biomedical  Genomics [NIBMG], Kalyani, West Bengal
  33. National Institute of Oceanography, Goa,  Goa
  34. National Institute of Plant Genome  Research [NIPGR], New Delhi
  35. National Institute of Virology [NIV],  Pune, Maharashtra
  36. National Research Centre on Plant  Biotechnology, Delhi, Delhi
  37. Rajiv Gandhi Center for Biotechnology  [RGCB], Thiruvananthpuram, Kerala
  38. Regional Center for Biotechnology,  Faridabad, Haryana
  39. Tata Institute for Fundamental Research,  Mumbai
  40. Translational Health Science and  Technology Institute [THSTI], Faridabad, Haryana

Please also refer the following thread which contains list of institutes as well as contact details:

Biotechnology Internships in India
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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There is a Summer Internship Opportunity Available at Tata Memorial Center, ACTREC.

Opportunity is in the Clinician Scientists Laboratory for a student intern under  Prof. Sudeep Gupta, Prof. of Medical Oncology, TMH.

Following are the complete details:

A non-paid internship is available for a period of six months - extendable to a year depending on student’s interest and availability, with Prof. Sudeep Gupta (Prof. Medical Oncology, TMH) in the Clinician Scientists Laboratory, ACTREC, Tata Memorial Center, Navi Mumbai.

This is an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to apply novel informatic algorithms to unravel mutational signatures underlying a rare cancer type. The successful candidate will be trained in integrating multiple analyses of data generated on high throughput OMICS platforms, to interpret the causal role of genetic aberrations that drive this cancer. We are hopefully the outcomes of this project will lead to an increased understanding of genetic aberrations and their biological mechanisms underlying carcinogenesis.

Who should Apply?
Candidates with backgrounds in Mathematics (Statistics), Bioinformatics and Computational Science are encouraged to apply. Students currently in their last year of degree are encouraged to apply. The work done during this period can be submitted as a dissertation thesis at your host institute.

The position is also suitable for students who have recently completed their degree, and wish to make a career in academics. The successful candidate will be able to hone their skills on real world data from Indian patients – a first in India for this cancer type. The candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, basic scientists and computational biologists. The candidate will contribute to work that may have a direct impact on disease treatment. 

Expected Skill-sets:

Candidate with Mathematics degree :
Strong theoretical concepts in statistics, with an emphasis on probability distribution and statistical modelling
Basic understanding of computer programming concepts

Candidate with Bio-informatics/ Computational Science degree :
Intermediate knowledge (Subroutines, Linkage scripts, etc.) of any one: Perl/ Unix Shell/ Python.
Basic knowledge of any programming database (SQL or noSQL)
Experience in writing GUI wrappers/ Executables on Linux will be an added advantage.

Expected Outcomes:
At the end of the internship, the candidate will Integrate multiple analyses from data generated on high-throughput OMICS platforms

Derive a holistic view of disease pathogenesis in this cancer that may inform patient care

Compile an automated analytical pipeline to carry out this analysis

Compile a GUI based framework that allows non-computational researchers to carry out this analysis

Interested applicants are requested to apply online at
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This is a post I confronted on Linkedin. Interested students may reach out to the person (named Pratik Shah):

[size=small][font=Source Sans Pro]
We invite the students for internship at our food industry.. if you are interested kindly mail your cv and approval letter from your college or University.

Note : We will check at our end and get back to them  soon, There is no stipend or accommodation given from the company during your internship.

Mail :

Posted on Linkedin by:
Pratik Shah
Quality Manager at AFBPL
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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(06-14-2017, 04:52 PM)SunilN agpal Wrote: This is a post I confronted on Linkedin. Interested students may reach out to the person (named Pratik Shah):

[size=small][font=Source Sans Pro]
We invite the students for internship at our food industry.. if you are interested kindly mail your cv and approval letter from your college or University. 
sir what are thje charges? 

Note : We will check at our end and get back to them  soon, There is no stipend or accommodation given from the company during your internship.

Mail :

Posted on Linkedin by:
Pratik Shah
Quality Manager at AFBPL
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Sir, what are all the competitive exams are good after finishing my Bsc?
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List of Institutes for Biotech Internships in India00