02-14-2017, 04:13 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2017, 04:18 AM by navamallikadutta.)
Hey. The best way to study for any entrances is to go through the syllabus of JNU biotech m.sc or JAM( whichever entances you wanna clear) and try to compare them with your course syllabus. Only effort you gotta put primely for the entrances is on Chemistry n Biology becoz these two subject not only upgrades from what your have studied 10+2 but also will include some of the new topics. Coming to Physics and maths, you only need to keep on revising your 10+2 syllabus along with previous years question papers of entrances. Keeping this in mind try to study or touch everyday all the subject. You neednt have to reach the submit in a day. Try clearing your concept instead of mugging up. Make notes in your own words. For long term memory retain; revise or keep thinking about the the previous topic you studied. This way your brain will function even more better way. Try to get some entances book from amazon or flipkart n keep on seeing the questions. Trust me you have tonnes of time. Don't forget to enjoy life. Sit for 2 hrs everyday and that would be enough. Have fun n keep studying sincerely. Good luck