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Biotechnology reveals hidden facts of Chinese Medicines
Traditional medicine of Chinese hold a big share of Pharmaceutical market in the entire China. It is said that annually $ 41 billion are earned from this business by the pharmaceutical companies. Recently, Chinese and US based scientists have revealed that the material used in these medicines does have scientific importance and considered to be untapped source for all kinds of ailments. Chinese deputy health minister quoted as saying that $ 1 billion had been used last year for investigating the drugs with the help of biotechnology.

It is the reason that scientists from China and US have collaboratively agreed to improve the quality of the drugs with the use of modern technology. Hong Kong based biotech technologists hold the opinion that researches are under way and if the products are improved , the sale of Chinese traditional medicines would be boombing in the market. On the other hand, Yung H Wong the famous director of life sciences division at the Biotechnology Research Institute in Hong Kong, categorically says that biotechnology is the only science that has capacity to unravel this perplexity.

The US based researchers have also said that the traditional medicine from China are treasures for us. Besides, all the biotech research institutes have launched the research initiative for developing herbal medicines of China as per international standards.

The Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology was one of those first institutions which took the initiative. Presently, most of the herbal medicines of China are not allowed to be sold in Europe as European Union has embarked sanctions over the local pharmaceutical companies of China. EU holds the view that the products of China does not meet with international medicine standards and can not be accepted.

It was the reason that Hong Kong government owned another science park with approximate area of 10000 square meters for new biotechnological labs.
Sasa Milosevic
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Biotechnology reveals hidden facts of Chinese Medicines00