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Creation of Artificial Cells
Creation of chain DNA in laboratories leads to the creation of artificial organisms. Scientists are now able to make a DNA chains "on demand", such as they need. There are numerous reviews on this revolutionary scientific discovery, because many have fear of the outcome. Like the experts say: "you should not be playing God."

After 15 year-work, a team of U.S. researchers has developed the first auto reproductive living cell, which is controlled by a synthetic genome. Critics warn of the risk of developing artificial organisms. "It is a cell that is derived from fully synthetic chromosome, made of four bottles of chemicals that make up DNA parts," said Craig Venter, chief researcher at the Institute Jay Craig. Venter told reporters that the experiment began with a live cell, which is then processed using a synthesized genome, after which the cells pass through a "million steps of replication." The researchers first constructed a kind of "genetic software" bacteria, which were then transplanted into the cell, and eventually frozen. Otherwise, Venter said that two years ago, managed to make sensitization of bacterial genome, but had not been able to transplant it into a cell.

Except synthesizing the genome (the complete hereditary basis of an organism) by fusing the chromosomes which contain the DNA of the organism, the genome researchers added "watermarks" to distinguish them from natural. These tags, in fact, contain the names of all 46 authors and researchers who worked on the project, as well as the official website, so that anyone who succeed to perform decoding can send e-mail to the team. In addition, three quotes of Irish writer James Joyce are included. One of them sounds as follows: "To live, to be mistaken, to win, to create life out of life." With good reason, apparently. Venter added that "this is the first time that a synthetic DNA is in full control of a single cell." That is why he will continue to work on the construction of the bacteria to be able to perform useful functions.

Algae from glass bottles AGAINST "greenhouse"

This method could be used in the manufacture of medicines, vaccines and biofuel, the new, so-called "clean energy" for the refinery. It also, could enable the production of algae for absorption and clearance of carbon dioxide, the most dangerous environmental pollutant, according to the report published in the journal "Science." "We are on course to develop a very powerful apparatus in an attempt to control biological processes," said Craig Venter, researcher who was involved in mapping the human genome in the last 10 years. During that research, he determined the location of each human gene and its specific structure and function.

Opening Pandora's Box

Critics warn that Venter and his colleagues that way entered in the danger zone, because "they have created artificial organisms that have not been fully studied and understood." Venter stood in front of the public, and, in his defense, he said that he "wasn’t trying to play God." "It's a classic charge that critics point when scientists discover something new in medicine or biology. Man has always lived in attempt to control nature. Didn’t that cause creating the domestic animals," said the researcher. He believes that this is not an act of opening a Pandora's box, but on the contrary - "This is a step, a small step forward in realizing and understanding the nature and functioning of life, and perhaps, in discovering ways to control microbial world, to improve people's lives."

This experiment raised many ethical questions. Pat Mooney, director of ETC Group in Canada, said that the creation of artificial cells "is not SOS shop for all our troubles in the society. It is more likely that this will create a series of new problems." Among them, according to the possibility of abuse, primarily belong weapons for bioterrorism. Rejecting the possibility, Winter concluded that "technology and the cells are not for sale”.

Strive to use technology in order to improve the quality of human life, as well as to improve knowledge and understanding of cellular life is spreading with great speed. Although there are different opinions whether this kind of technology should be applied, the progress of science seems unstoppable. We can only imagine the incredible advantages that future generations are going to experience thanks to biotechnology achievements.
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Creation of Artificial Cells - by sale0303 - 12-27-2012, 10:54 AM
RE: Creation of Artificial Cells - by BojanaL - 01-10-2013, 10:27 PM
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