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Post GATE Experiences: Interviews and Written Tests
Mere clearing GATE doesn't ensure the opening of gates to IITs/IISc. There remain few hurdles yet to be conquered. Once you clear GATE, and apply at various IITs, you get a call from the respective IITs for appearing for the screening tests to procure a seat at the given IIT.

The screening tests in most cases comprise of two stages:

A. Written test
B. Interview (LATEST Interview Experience of IIT Bombay and IISc by [b]Misal Rob: CLICK HERE[/b])

The stage of Written test is a bias free screening step. By bias free, I mean that even if you are GATE rank 1, you may be knocked out if you don't perform well in written test. I still remember the written test of IIT Kanpur wherein an aspirant who had GATE rank in Top 5, was knocked out after written test.

Different IITs have different patterns of written examination. IIT Bombay often basis it's written exam on the major subjects opted in 12th. Those with PCB background are drilled on Mathematics (11th and 12th standard); while those with PCM background are drilled on Biology. IIT Kanpur and IIT Madras set a mix of Aptitude, General Science and General Biology in written test. IIT Delhi mainly focuses on Biotechnological aspects (especially concepts pertaining to Enzymes, Bioreactors, Microbiology and Biochemistry). IIT Kharagpur often skips written test and one has to appear directly for interview. In most cases, IITs prescribe a pattern for their written tests as well once the dates of screening are announced.

I got the call for screening from all IITs, but due to clash and distance constraints I ended up appearing for only 3 IITs:
IIT Bombay
IIT Kanpur
IIT Delhi
Here I will brief you on the questions asked in the interview stage of the 3 IITs. One may read the complete details of my interview experiences at (Exclusive --> My Story section). Links to the respective experiences are provided below:

IIT Bombay Interview:

I had cleared the written test for M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering at IIT Bombay. But I decided not to appear for the interview and rushed for appearing in the screening for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering at IITB. The key technical questions asked during the interview of IITB (Centre for Environmental Sciences and Engineering) were:

1. What is half life of a radioactive element?
2. Derive the formula for the same.
3. Why Carbon monoxide is harmful?
4. Why do we exhale carbon dioxide?
5. You didn't study Mathematics in 12th. How about that?

Read the Full Experience of IIT BOMBAY INTERVIEW HERE


IIT Kanpur Interview:

I had cleared the written test of IIT Kanpur as well, but despite being a 99.6 percentiler, I failed in the interview. The questions asked in the IIT Kanpur interview were:

1. Who taught you Downstream Processing in your college?
2. Can you tell any other mode of modulating the out put of an ion-exchange chromatography, apart from stationary phase and temperature?
3. Can you tell the mathematical reason of the fact that small molecules elute later on Gel permeation chromatography?
4. An on-board problem on PCR.
FIND OUT HERE: How I failed the IIT KANPUR Interview?

IIT Delhi Interview:

We got a surprise at IIT Delhi: We were exempted from written test! The questions asked later in the IIT Delhi interview were:

1. What made you land up in Lovely Professional University?
2. Which Book(s) did you follow for Microbiology and Biochemistry?
3. Can you draw the structures of basic units of starch and cellulose?
4. What do you understand by specific activity of an enzyme?.
5. What is 1 unit of an enzyme?
6. Reasons and significance of structural differences in Starch and Cellulose?
7. What is chemostat and washout?
My Complete IIT DELHI Interview Experience: Click HERE

I hope that these experiences help you guys in preparing well for the next stage of GATE, and eventually landing in an IIT/College of your choice.

All the best!

In case of any query, feel free to post your comments underneath.

Best wishes!

SUGGESTED READ : GATE Biotech Success Story- 2016

Misal Rob Shares his Poste GATE Biotech interview experience at IIT Bombay
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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(03-23-2015, 08:42 PM)SunilNagpal Wrote: Mere clearing GATE doesn't ensure the opening of gates to IITs/IISc. There remain few hurdles yet to be conquered. Once you clear GATE, and apply at various IITs, you get a call from the respective IITs for appearing for the screening tests to procure a seat at the given IIT.

The screening tests in most cases comprise of two stages:

A. Written test
B. Interview

The stage of Written test is a bias free screening step. By bias free, I mean that even if you are GATE rank 1, you may be knocked out if you don't perform well in written test. I still remember the written test of IIT Kanpur wherein an aspirant who had GATE rank in Top 5, was knocked out after written test.

Different IITs have different patterns of written examination. IIT Bombay often basis it's written exam on the major subjects opted in 12th. Those with PCB background are drilled on Mathematics (11th and 12th standard); while those with PCM background are drilled on Biology. IIT Kanpur and IIT Madras set a mix of Aptitude, General Science and General Biology in written test. IIT Delhi mainly focuses on Biotechnological aspects (especially concepts pertaining to Enzymes, Bioreactors, Microbiology and Biochemistry). IIT Kharagpur often skips written test and one has to appear directly for interview. In most cases, IITs prescribe a pattern for their written tests as well once the dates of screening are announced.

I got the call for screening from all IITs, but due to clash and distance constraints I ended up appearing for only 3 IITs:
IIT Bombay
IIT Kanpur
IIT Delhi
Here I will brief you on the questions asked in the interview stage of the 3 IITs. One may read the complete details of my interview experiences at (Exclusive --> My Story section). Links to the respective experiences are provided below:

IIT Bombay Interview:

I had cleared the written test for M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering at IIT Bombay. But I decided not to appear for the interview and rushed for appearing in the screening for M.Tech in Environmental Engineering at IITB. The key technical questions asked during the interview of IITB (Centre for Environmental Sciences and Engineering) were:

1. What is half life of a radioactive element?
2. Derive the formula for the same.
3. Why Carbon monoxide is harmful?
4. Why do we exhale carbon dioxide?
5. You didn't study Mathematics in 12th. How about that?

Read the Full Experience of IIT BOMBAY INTERVIEW HERE

IIT Kanpur Interview:

I had cleared the written test of IIT Kanpur as well, but despite being a 99.6 percentiler, I failed in the interview. The questions asked in the IIT Kanpur interview were:

1. Who taught you Downstream Processing in your college?
2. Can you tell any other mode of modulating the out put of an ion-exchange chromatography, apart from stationary phase and temperature?
3. Can you tell the mathematical reason of the fact that small molecules elute later on Gel permeation chromatography?
4. An on-board problem on PCR.
FIND OUT HERE: How I failed the IIT KANPUR Interview?

IIT Delhi Interview:

We got a surprise at IIT Delhi: We were exempted from written test! The questions asked later in the IIT Delhi interview were:

1. What made you land up in Lovely Professional University?
2. Which Book(s) did you follow for Microbiology and Biochemistry?
3. Can you draw the structures of basic units of starch and cellulose?
4. What do you understand by specific activity of an enzyme?.
5. What is 1 unit of an enzyme?
6. Reasons and significance of structural differences in Starch and Cellulose?
7. What is chemostat and washout?
My Complete IIT DELHI Interview Experience: Click HERE

I hope that these experiences help you guys in preparing well for the next stage of GATE, and eventually landing in an IIT/College of your choice.

All the best!

In case of any query, feel free to post your comments underneath.

Best wishes!
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Hello Sunil Bhaiya, can u provide me some tips in preparing for the interview
like which subject i should give more preference to?
Also, in interviews can they ask numericals related questions from Biochem, Microbio or bioprocess?
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(04-04-2015, 08:40 PM)Tyson Wrote: Hello Sunil Bhaiya, can u provide me some tips in preparing for the interview
like which subject i should give more preference to?
Also, in interviews can they ask numericals related questions from Biochem, Microbio or bioprocess?

Hi Tyson,

Numericals are rarely asked in interviews. In fact, questions related to your conceptual understanding of a "formula" or a "unit" might be asked. Interviews mostly deal with analyzing your aptitude for research especially how well you did your B.Tech Project(s). Make it a point that almost every interviewer will definitely focus on you Project/Internships.

In IIT Kanpur, you will be asked about your favorite subject; and thus you should make sure that you are well versed in the subject you are going to declare as your favorite. 

Faculty profile and research focus of different IITs also matters. In IIT Delhi, as I have already suggested, you should expect questions on Enzyme Engineering, Bioreactors, Batch-FedBatch-Continous modes, Microbiology, Biochemistry.

Same goes for other IITs. But, first and foremost, prepare your Projects very well!

Hope it helps

Best wishes

Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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hey Mr.Sunil,

I got a counselling call letter from IITG for in biotech. They did not mention about any kinda interview.Do you have any idea about how the interview will be?
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