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PhD in USA after B.Tech in Biotechnology
Dear sir,
I have seen many universities in USA ( like MIT) offer direct PhD after B.Tech. But i have few questions:
1) What is the min. GRE and TOEFL scores required for full scholarship ?
2) Any special requirement like research experiences ?
3) For visa, is it true that a candidate needs to show a certain amount of Bank Balance? If yes How much?

Thanking you.
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1. For PhD there is nothing like min. GRE or TOEFL scores. It depends upon the university. Usually GRE score above 315 and TOEFL above 100 is considered decent.
For MS, these scores matter more so GRE above 320 and TOEFL above 110 is preferred.

2. For PhD, recommendations from well known professors or researchers (having PhD and Publications) is most important along with your research experience. Ideally if you have a publication in a decent forum then it gives you an edge over the other applicants.
For MS, research experience is not that much needed. The scores, CGPA etc. become important parameters for your selection.

3. During visa interview you are required to show how will you support your studies in USA (at-least for first year in case of PhD and for 2 years in case of MS). Generally all good universities provide funding in the form of RAship or TAship to all their PhD students so there is no need to show any Bank Balance during visa interview if you are going as a PhD student.
In case of MS you will have to show that liquid cash and assets to prove that you can support your studies.
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I completely agree with Steve. Thanks for the highly useful information Steve.

I also recommend going through the following thread:
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? Important Points to Consider!

Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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I am very sorry i couldn't reply early, Thank u so much stevewoods for your well explaination. It really gave me a clear idea. Sunil sir, the article in the link was awesome, i always read your suggestions in various questions, you are a true guide for all of us, thank you so much.
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