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April 2015
April 2015
Clinical trials are the crucial indices of the fate of a drug (whether it arrives in the market or not). Entries under this topic should include quality articles with comprehensive details about Clinical Trials in Drug Approval.
Metagenomics is aimed at deciphering the microbial/functional components of an environment, through the analysis of genomic DNA sampled through an environment. A culture independent technique, Metagenomics has emerged as a hot topic of research amongst computational BioScientists. Entries under this topic are thus expected to shed light on Metagenomics in a way that may enable it's comprehension to even a layman. Details about current state of art are also expected.
Cleared an Entrance Exam? Have some tips to share with those who need some ? Hold some interview experience ( success / failure ) for admission into a college? Submit your entry under this topic. An inspiring/quality entry can make you the winner.
No matter which college you are in, we believe every student has something to share about his college life. How you got admitted to your college, what degrees are offered (biotech related), your hostel life, your teachers, standard of teaching, admission fees, semester fees and much more..If you want to submit some experience about your college life, submit your entry under this topic. Ensure that the experience shouldn't be a mix of different colleges you attended. If you have experience of multiple colleges, submit them as separate entry.
Internships are an integral part of a student's academic life. And getting a job in a company is one of the most exciting experiences of a student's life. Share your internship experience (how you got the internship, what kind of project(s) you did/were offered, the standard of internship etc) under this topic. If you have a job experience, submit your entry about your selection process, your job experience, about your company under this topic.
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Last Post: BioWritEditors 05-03-2015, 05:47 PM
Last Post: Administrator 03-29-2015, 05:09 PM
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