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GATE BT: 2015

I would like some advice. I had given GATE 2015 earlier this year and have obtained a GATE Score of 685 and a rank of 71. Does every IIT conduct an interview for biotechnology? What do they ask in the interview? Which IIT do i have a chance of getting into? I have been called for interview at IIsc for a direct phD. Do i go for a direct phD if i clear the interview? Or do i stick with M.Tech and then go for phD?? I also qualified JAM 2015 with a rank of 125. Do i have a chance for MSc at IIT Bombay through JAM??
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(05-03-2015, 03:59 PM)abhishekiyer Wrote: Hello,

I would like some advice. I had given GATE 2015 earlier this year and have obtained a GATE Score of 685 and a rank of 71. Does every IIT conduct an interview for biotechnology? What do they ask in the interview? Which IIT do i have a chance of getting into? I have been called for interview at IIsc for a direct phD. Do i go for a direct phD if i clear the interview? Or do i stick with M.Tech and then go for phD?? I also qualified JAM 2015 with a rank of 125. Do i have a chance for MSc at IIT Bombay through JAM??

Hello Abhishek,
What's your undergrad degree? Is it BSc or BTech? Go for MSc only if you are a BSc undergrad.
If you are a BTech student and had applied for all IITs, you will get call for screening from all of them ( given such a nice score). 
Yes every IIT conducts screening.
And, you have chances of selection in every IIT applied ( goes without saying that it depends on your interview).
Please refer the posts published earlier under the thread "GATE advice to low scorers" for suggestions regarding screening tests.

In my opinion, go for Masters first, it will nurture you well and condition your aptitude towards research better, for a PhD ahead. 

Hope it helps.

Best wishes
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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Hi Sunil!
Thank you for your advice! I am currently pursuing my final year B Tech. Yes i was thinking the same about pursuing a Master's degree first. The thing is the interview dates of Kanpur and Kharagpur and probably so will the dates of other IITs clash with my university exams. I'll be giving the interview at Kanpur that too with a lot of hassle but i cannot attend Kharagpur. Do you have an idea, why only a few branches like biotechnology have interviews and screen test while other branches like chemical, computers or mechanical do not have an interview but direct admission?? Just curious.... Smile

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