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Need Biotech Business Idea
I need to come up with an idea for a biotech product or service that I can turn into a business for my college course. Finding it very hard to come up with a novel workable idea without ripping someone off. Came up with ideas like home bioreacter for turning food waste into methane, a protein water, an insulin reader thing, I dunno. Any simple ideas would be greatly appreciated
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(09-28-2012, 10:26 AM)O.P.H Wrote: I need to come up with an idea for a biotech product or service that I can turn into a business for my college course. Finding it very hard to come up with a novel workable idea without ripping someone off. Came up with ideas like home bioreacter for turning food waste into methane, a protein water, an insulin reader thing, I dunno. Any simple ideas would be greatly appreciated

Biotechnology has its own arms capable of touching almost all fields of science. Therefore if we think of doing business in the field of biotechnology, it will be like picking up a drop of water (Biotech based business idea) from the ocean (vast scope) of biotechnology! Success of any Business always depends upon the need of its products in the market or society as well as the quality of it with respect to its value. Today with the depletion of non-renewable sources like fuels (fossil fuels – Petrol, Diesels), there is strong requirement of it and shortage in world. Therefore the business in the field of biodiesel production either small scale or large scale is increasing and has lot of scope. With development in biotechnology, bio-diesels are being produced from microorganism. Microalgae are today used in business of bio-diesel production. These are microbes which are capable of generating their energy with the help of photosynthesis and are used in production of bio-diesels. The microalgae which produce bio-mass and bio-diesel are Ankistrodesmus sp, Botrycococcus braunii, Chaetoceros calcitrans, Chlorella emersonii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa etc. This business is economical due to low input (raw material, microalgae, less process) and high output (large quantity of bio-diesel / biomass and other by products).
Here is the flow chart for production of biodiesel from microalgae:
** A) Microalgae Selection >>>>>> B) Microalgae Cultivation (Growth Medium ,Light, PH , Micronurtrients, Temperature, Air, Favourable condition Etc) >>>>>>>> C) Harvesting (Drying , Grinding)>>>>>>>> D)Oil Extraction>>>>>>>E) Biodiesel Production (Good Profitable Business ) !!
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Microbiology is a good major for a bachelors MBA (in business) would ba a good idea too. My fiance has a bachelors in Microbiology from Virginia Tech and is working for Amgen. Bio-tech is a good industry in terms of pay and benefits, but it is very demanding. Good luck!
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Sometimes the chance for success is enhanced if the biotech company is in some way tied to academia. The faculty of educational institutions can often guide the development of new biotechnology companies, while the universities and colleges themselves usually have the financial stability that can protect start-ups in their most vulnerable early stages.
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(09-28-2012, 10:26 AM)O.P.H Wrote: I need to come up with an idea for a biotech product or service that I can turn into a business for my college course. Finding it very hard to come up with a novel workable idea without ripping someone off. Came up with ideas like home bioreacter for turning food waste into methane, a protein water, an insulin reader thing, I dunno. Any simple ideas would be greatly appreciated

Dear Member, one can make simple projects like waste water treatment plant specially from kitchen waste can be attempted by constructing a simple pit lined with slaked lime and all the kitchen water can be filled into it a small inoculum from cattle waste can be added to convert the complex solids to simpler forms releasing methane and carbon dioxide, the treated water has high nitrogen content and can be used for gardening.
similar programs were conducted by us in the Inspire program sponsored by DST, Govt. of India. you can contact me at regards. Dr.Shiv
Dr.Shivraj Dasari.
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Need Biotech Business Idea00