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Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in the Service of Biotechnology
Cynobacteria have been identified as a rich source of biologically active compounds when compared to other microorganism. These active compounds are with anti-viral, antibacterial, anticancer, antifungal activities. The most important compound is Polydydroxyalkanoates, which is accumulated in cynobacterial strains and are used as a substitute for non-biodegradable petrochemical-based plastics. Recently it has been observed that sites which are polluted with oil are rich in cyanobacteria and thus indicates the capability of these bacteria to degrade oil component.
Cynobacteria are amongst the earliest known inhabitants of planet Earth. It has been observed that they originated 3.8 billion years back. They are also considered as originator oxygen on earth as they had helped lot in conversion of the Earth’s atmosphere from anaerobic to aerobic gradually. During this evolution, aerobic organisms came into existence and eventually underwent rapid changes. This is one of the reasons for current global bio-diversity.
Cynobacteria possess unique characteristics of performing oxygenic photosynthesis and oxygen labile nitrogen fixation. They are capable of harvesting solar energy and are considered potential sources for bio-fuel production. Cynobacteria are also responsible of massive growth in water which is known as blooms. These blooms are responsible for toxins which are harmful for fish. The unique ability of Cynobacteria to perform oxygenic photosynthesis and oxygen liable nitrogen fixing helped significantly in maintaining Carbon and Nitrogen bio-geochemical cycles. This is being done in deep oceans.
If we look at distribution of Cynobacteria, they are Omni-present. They use broad range of habitats for their growth and are across all latitudes and found in various ecosystems. They are also found in extreme conditions such as hyper saline localities, deserts, and cold environments and even in hot springs. They are also found in polluted water bodies, drains and garbage dumps. Such conditions are generally not suitable for most of the other organisms.
Cyanobacterial hydrogen is commercially available in various parts of world as it is considered as a very promising source of alternative energy. In addition to these applications, cyanobacteria are also used in wastewater treatment, as aquaculture food, as fertilizers, and also in production of secondary metabolites including Vitamins, Exopolysaccharides, Enzymes, and novel pharmaceuticals.
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RE: Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in the Service of Biotechnology - by ExpertScie - 01-16-2013, 07:32 PM
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Microalgae and Cyanobacteria in the Service of Biotechnology00