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Basic Biotech Lab Equipment
Hi All,

I recently started working in a biotech incubator offering space and equipment to about 5 start ups.I just wanted to cross reference some info I have been given. Can someone please offer me a rundown of the most commonly used biotech lab equipment necessary for an ordinary start up. And can you please segment that list in this way.

1) Lab Equipment that can be shared between companies

2) Lab Equipment that cannot be shared between companies

3) Lab Equipment that isn't completely necessary, but would be helpful to have in a lab space.

I hope you all can help me out. Thanks!
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In part it depends on what kind of work you anticipate these startups to be doing. If it is non-GMP work, it is likely that almost all equipment could be shared (people may not like it, but at a cost-effective incubator, for research purposes it wouldn't violate any compliance issues). In terms of requiring dedicated equipment to protect the integrity of the experiments, it really would depend on what people are using it for. However, I'd be willing to be that in general, as long as housekeeping standards were met, that most items could be shared.

In general for Protein Chemistry, I'd suggest the following analyzers:

pH Meter
Conductivity Meter
Plate Reader
Gel Apparatus + Power Supply

The HPLC/UPLC is probably the only equipment where a configuration may be important to the user depending on what type of assay they intend to run.

Cell Therapy

Plate Reader
Flow Cytometer

These may not cover all of the needs of the lab, but they are certainly universal enough that most clients would be looking to use them at some capacity.


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Basic Biotech Lab Equipment00