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Difference between Biopharmaceutical product and traditional pharmaceutical product.
Bio pharmaceuticals are drugs produced using biotechnology. They are proteins nucleic acids, DNA, RNA used for therapeutic or for vivo diagnostic purposes, and are produced by means other than direct extraction from a native biological source. The first such substance approved for therapeutic use was recombinant human insulin. Traditional Pharmaceutical products more commonly known as medicines or drugs, are a fundamental component of traditional medicine. It is essential that such products are safe, effective, and of good quality, and are prescribed and used rationally. Majority of the biopharmaceutical products are pharmaceuticals that are derived from life forms.

Traditional medicine is a broad term used to define any non-Western medical practice. Ethno pharmacology is a diversified approach to drug discovery involving the description, observation and experimental investigation of indigenous drugs and their biologic activities. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 65% of the world's population has incorporated into their primary modality of health care. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages of traditional medicine. Most traditional medicines are well tolerated by the patient while in some cases bio-pharmaceutical products are not.

Another advantage to traditional medicine is cost. Cost is much less than biopharmaceuticals. Yet another advantage of traditional medicines is their availability. They are available without a prescription, and some can simply be grown at home. While the high cost of biopharmaceuticals and the low reimbursement levels from insurance companies present a major challenge. It is needed to explore various strategies to counter this challenge such as developing technologies that bring down the cost of drugs as well as manufacturing biopharmaceuticals with substantial market size.

For sudden, serious illnesses, mainstream medicine still reigns supreme. A traditional medicine would not be able to treat serious trauma, such as a broken leg, nor would it be able to heal appendicitis or a heart attack as effectively as a conventional doctor using modern diagnostic tests, surgery, and biopharmaceutical drugs. Biopharmaceutical medicine treats sudden illness and accidents much more effectively than traditional.
Another disadvantage of traditional medicine is the very real risks of doing oneself harm through self-dosing. That is consciously maintained by biopharmaceutical product. There’s a very real risk of overdose. Traditional products are not tightly regulated; consumers also run the risk of buying inferior quality. That is why it is best to use biopharmaceutical product. As the biopharmaceutical industry enters the 21st century, the pressure on companies to maintain the level of productivity required for consistent year-on-year growth is increasing.

This is the primary means by which the developer of the drug can recover the investment cost for development of the biopharmaceutical. In 1978 the total patents granted was 30. This had climbed to 15,600 in 1995, and by 2001 there were 34,527 patent applications. Modification of products is one target of drug design for enhancement of efficacy manufacturing process and discuss.

Simultaneously, raising public and clinician awareness of the cost benefits of biopharmaceuticals and collaborating with other insurance companies and government agencies to introduce reimbursement for biopharmaceuticals can help resolve this challenge to some extent. Traditional medicine remains largely an unproven, inexact science. Despite the criticism of traditional medicine amongst mainstream medical professionals, it is wise to remember that many common drugs we use today were derived from plant-based sources. Traditional pharmaceutical products are less safe, that is assured in modern biopharmaceutical products.
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A biopharmaceutical plant uses processes that typically include fermentation or cell culture using genetically engineered cell lines to make the active drug substance. Drugs are substances that cause a physical or mental change in your body. If they are used therapeutically, they get classed as pharmaceuticals, these information given by you is really nice, I hope that many people will really like all these information.
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Biopharmaceutical product are the products which are made using biotechnology. It includes protein and nucleic acids. It is used for therapeutic. While traditional pharmaceutical product are the products using a tradition medicines.

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Biopharmaceutical products A drug, broadly, any substance which, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters the normal functioning of the body. There is no single definition and precise, because there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.
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Biopharmaceuticals have unlimited potential for drug manufacturing talent. Drugs produced by these products are very effective in the fight against many diseases and they are profitable. Products which are using tradition medicines are called traditional pharmaceutical product.
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Great idea. I didn't aware about it before. So its my pleasure to have this information. Keep it up and keep sharing such a nice information.
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Pharmaceutical product and Biopharmaceutical product are made for one common purpose that is to treat any disease or disorder. Only the basic difference between both the faculties is their mode of preparation of medicine! In early 19th century, drugs are mostly the dried form of fresh organic or inorganic substances obtained from plant or from animals. All such medicines were from biological origin only. So if we observed there is not a big difference between both pharmaceutical and biopharmaceuticals products. Pharmaceutical product which is prepared by using the Biotechnology techniques can be called as Biopharmaceutical.

As research continues in studying the diseases and disorders, we found different ways of treating the same. Mankind now a days are using medicines which have more accurate therapeutically action with no or very less side effect on body. For this purpose new drug development continued and today Biotechnology are delivering biological origin drugs like antibiotics, antibodies, proteins, enzymes which has very high selectivity and effective therapeutically effect with no side effect ! The only concern is that these are more costly as compare to pharmaceutical know drugs. Pharmaceutical drugs are cost-effective no doubt; at the same they are easily available across the globe. But these pharmaceutical drugs have side effects which should be consider and at the same time purity of the drugs also plays an important role in this field as compared to biopharmaceutical. Now with the development in modern technology both Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical are developing the drugs with combine applications. Such drugs are of low cost, high purity and low or no side effects. So today with modernization of technology, it can be said that there is no significant difference in pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical product!
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Difference between Biopharmaceutical product and traditional pharmaceutical product.00