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Role of Biotechnology in Climate Change
Days are passing by and the freshness of our planet is fading. The first steps of human beings on this planet trace back to about 4 billion years. Humans have been harrowing the nature by the barbarous activities over the years. We have polluted, transformed and altered the delicate balance of nature. If these destructive activities continue, our planet will be annihilated within a short period of time. Should we allow it .. NO! The Green revolution through Biotechnology is certainly the best and the most reliable answer for changing our climate.

Temperature rising on our planet, melting ice and intensifying cyclones are the most common symptoms of climate change and humans have a great hand in this change (if not all). An increase in the level of carbon-di-oxide and other greenhouse gases are the main culprits for climate change. Reducing CO2 is extremely important.

We can modify the plants through genetic engineering so that they can take more carbon from atmosphere and convert it to oxygen. Mixing microbes in the soil can be an option as it can retain carbon as well as increase the soil fertility. The potency of ocean microbes may be increased so that they can remove carbon from the atmosphere and deposit this carbon in Deep Oceans. But security measures should be taken to overcome any negative effect this may cause to our oceans. Modern environmental biotechnology is the best solution in this regard.

Modern biotechnology and genetic engineering can manipulate plant genes so that it will be possible to grow that type of plant in regions which do not have much water or other favorable conditions in their current form. We certainly have to reduce pollution and carbon emissions.

Genome sequence of various microbes and plants has opened an advanced era where we can manipulate genes for reducing the carbon emission and can change the climate within short time. Genetic manipulation is a safe way to save the world and is the best option in cutting green house gas emission. Bio-fuel from the advanced biotechnology has solved the problem of energy to a great extent.
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