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Dental Care Clinics for Children
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Dental care should be started at a very early age. Most parents are concerned about the fact that when they should start the dental appointments of their child. Actually your child’s first visit to a Dental Care Clinic should be within 6 months after the first tooth start appearing. The dentist will examine your child’s teeth to see if there are any signs of tooth decay or any infections. A good dentist can check if your child is prone to tooth infections by verifying the early signs in the tooth structure. He can also show you the best way to clean your child’s tooth.

After the first visit, go for dental appointments once in 6 months. This will help your child’s oral health and his risk of getting cavities in future. If the dentist diagnoses your child with tooth problems then he may ask for more frequent visits. Another common problem with the baby teeth is the weakness of the enamel. You may have to do a fluoride treatment to avoid further problems due to this. If there are fissures in their teeth the dentist may fill it with sealants to avoid the accumulation of plaque.

It is the responsibility of the parents and the staff at the dental care clinics to make each visit pleasant for a child. This will make them come back again and will aid for good oral health. If necessary look for a pediatric dentist who is specially trained to welcome anxious kids. Now there are special Pediatric dental care clinics for kids.
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My friend's daughter needs dental surgery, but they can't afford it. They have dental insurance, but they've met their limit for the year. They can't get coverage again until December, but their daughter needs help immediately.
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(02-22-2014, 04:04 PM)noor100 Wrote: My friend's daughter needs dental surgery, but they can't afford it. They have dental insurance, but they've met their limit for the year. They can't get coverage again until December, but their daughter needs help immediately.

Unfortunately she would have to wait until next year but every year there's a free rural health clinic that comes to Wise, VA. They provide medical and dental care (including dental surgeries). My mother is a social worker in a neighboring county and she said it was very popular.
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