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Career in Bioinformatics
Dear Sir,

What would be the best option in learning these Programming languages like R, Perl and Python as well as Computational biology kind of things?

As I enquired for an internship I came to know that they charge 30-40K for teaching.
Kindly help.
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(05-01-2017, 10:12 PM)visharajaram Wrote: Dear Sir,

What would be the best option in learning these Programming languages like R, Perl and Python as well as Computational biology kind of things?

As I enquired for an internship I came to know that they charge 30-40K for teaching.
Kindly help.

Hello Visharajam,

If you wish to learn these languages then ideal way would be to pick one of these, refer any one online resource (there are plenty online,  like biopython cookbook) and religiously follow all pages and exercises of the same. Within 2 months you will find yourself in a very strong position. 

You can also refer O'Relly Bioinformatics Programming using Python.

A you must have got from my suggestions, my recommendation would be to put your hands on Python. There is great demand for Python experts in Bioinformatics.

Bst wishes
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
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Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
[+] 1 user Likes SunilNagpal's post
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Hii sunil sir..
i wish to learn programming for bioinformatics..How should i start with as i m a pure biology student with no experience on programming..
how should i strt 
please give suggestions in order to have command over the subjects..
and apart from this what all things are necessary
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Hi sunil sir I'm perusing bsc biotechnology final semester and i wana do msc in biotechnology .and i olso fill the cucet and jnu entrance form so i'm selected in either of the university's so gd if. Not so can i do msc biotechnology from any pri vate university Is it benificial for my carrer or i have to opt some other subject .. Suggest me sir i'm confused 😕 thanks
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Hello Sir,
I have passed out MSc in biotechnology in this year.I'm interested in doing jobs in bioinformatics.. Can u tell me with some bioinformatics courses which will b hlpful for me to get jobs in bioinfo companies.
[+] 1 user Likes Anuja's post
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Sir ,I have got 36.5 in enviornmental science...and 28.5in biitechnology in cucet.....can I get any cucet clg
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Hello sir,
I am the fresher ,recently have done my graduation B.E. in biotechnology i have a query and hope i will be answered.

Internship in Eminent bioscience after biotechnology would be good decision?? Or any place where i could do internship in bioinformatics.?
Kindly answer me sir
I waana be a good bioinformatician but lack of opportunities or knowledge demoralising me
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(06-10-2017, 04:44 PM)Rajeev Ranjan Wrote: Sir ,I have got 36.5 in enviornmental science...and 28.5in biitechnology in cucet.....can I get any cucet clg
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one ore query i had sir..
Since I am about to complete my in biotech this may..and I want to get into in bioinfo ..
but i was never exposed before to it.. as i heard that theres alot of programming involved in how should i proceed to learn from the basics of it.. as i was a biology student in my +2..?

And even though after getting into some college for in bioinfo..and then sitting for placements in IT companies..
how should prepare for getting into them as according to latest trends and eligibilities being asked for..

and also iit provide m tech bioinfo.
and im dump in math and beginer in computational language so,suggest me further im going ahed or what??
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(09-11-2017, 06:58 AM)Saurabh R. Wrote: one ore query i had sir..
Since I am about to complete my in biotech this may..and I want to get into in bioinfo ..
but i was never exposed before to it.. as i heard that theres alot of programming involved in how should i proceed to learn from the basics of it.. as i was a biology student in my +2..?

And even though after getting into some college for in bioinfo..and then sitting for placements in IT companies..
how should prepare for getting into them as according to latest trends and eligibilities being asked for..

and also iit provide m tech bioinfo.
and im dump in math and beginer in computational language so,suggest me further im going ahed or what??

Mathematics is useful but not an indispensable part of Bioinformatics. And coding in Bioinformatics is just a few tutorials away. More than learning a language for Bioinformatics, I would recommend you to do a project in Bioinformatics and while doing that follow step by step approach for "How to use various tools and commands involved". There is no substitute for practical learning. Theory won't brush your skills as fast as learning it the practical way.

About the jobs, again Mathematics is not an obligation. If you have the analytical bent of mind, which will be reflected in your interview and projects, you will be taken.

Just to clear the air:

I didn't study Maths in 12th/ high school. I still went into IIT, and I am a computational Biologist. I am sure , you can do it as well. All the best!
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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