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Biotechnology location independent

I'm new here although I was following this forum for a while.
I'm currently about to finish my second year at the university in Poland. I'm going to grab Bachelor title in Biotechnology next year.

I have done a lot of research recently on job prospects in Biotechnology and it's such an wide area that to be honest I'm just lost. I would like to work location independent - I know that basically nothing will grant me an ability to work from home in Biotechnology industry. I really like biotechnology and I would love to pursue an career, but more than that I would like to travel and have a particular set of skills that I can use anywhere in the world wherever I want. IT is the best example, but I know that it's basically impossible to work like this in this industry, even though I know there must be something, some niche that would allow me work like this.

As for the moment I'm earning over 1,000$ USD monthly as a freelancer while studying at the university, doing a lot of various jobs and if I wanted I could just drop out of uni and live above average in Poland and in most of "poorer" countries, but the income is not stable. I've been building a network of contractors for a year, but the jobs may end any moment and looking for a new one is really painful and long process, especially as I'm not an qualified expert at anything I do. I just got experience in those things working hard and figuring things on my own, therefore I want to continue studying Biotechnology to become an expert at something and have a stability in life that everyone so eagerly pursue.

Getting a job allowing to work remotely is not an option in this industry - I have already realized it, but there must be something allowing you to for example: Go to country A for a few months to do a job, then travel to country B for a few months and so on.
I've been looking for something like this for a while already, but from what I have found Biotechnology is all about pursuing an higher position, getting hired at one company and doing your job, improving, getting more educated, getting reputation at the certain company and working for the same company at the same place for the of your life. Obviously I can quit my job and look for another in other country, but as long as I'm not top 5% or less at what I do process of getting hired and finding a good job will be really troublesome, resulting in pay cuts and building "yourself" from the scratch in the other company.
Work that I could do in IT is something that I really desire. To be an independent contractor and I would like to pursue at least something slightly similar in biotech.

I know it may seem a bit like a troll post, but I would love to hear from you guys that have a lot bigger experience in Biotechnology to tell me if it's possible.

Best regards,

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