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creating a biotech startup

Sorry if it may look stupid, but I have a few questions concerning the creation of a biotech startup. But before, a few words about me ;-). I recently finished my PhD in cell biology. I got a few good publications and I think in the end, it was quite fine. However, I did not discover anything with a potential commercial value.

Currently, I am looking for a job in the biotech industry, yet without much success... Therefore, I was thinking of maybe creating my own startup. I have some ideas, most of them are linked to organoids.

My questions are thus the following. Is it possible to start a business in biotechnology even if you don't have anything yet patented? If yes, can you use the work (already patented or not) published and/or already commercialized by others? For instance, let's say I want to create a startup which use brain organoids in order to screen for the neurotoxicity of chemicals. May I use previoulsy published protocols for the generation of organoids, with or without any modifications?

Thanks a lot for your answers!
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(12-09-2015, 01:35 AM)mongoose Wrote: Hi,

Sorry if it may look stupid, but I have a few questions concerning the creation of a biotech startup. But before, a few words about me ;-). I recently finished my PhD in cell biology. I got a few good publications and I think in the end, it was quite fine. However, I did not discover anything with a potential commercial value.

Currently, I am looking for a job in the biotech industry, yet without much success... Therefore, I was thinking of maybe creating my own startup. I have some ideas, most of them are linked to organoids.

My questions are thus the following. Is it possible to start a business in biotechnology even if you don't have anything yet patented? If yes, can you use the work (already patented or not) published and/or already commercialized by others? For instance, let's say I want to create a startup which use brain organoids in order to screen for the neurotoxicity of chemicals. May I use previoulsy published protocols for the generation of organoids, with or without any modifications?

Thanks a lot for your answers!

You can't use patented procedures/products (unless their patents expire and you are thereafter free to field in your generic product). But yes you are free to use the "published" protocols for commercial applications.

Hope it helps
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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