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New Members - Introduce Yourself Here
Hey everyone,

This is Aditi yadav and I am a newbie on this forum. I am an MS research scholar at IIT Madras. I am researching on antecedents of successful commercialization of biotechnology start-up firms. Hope to get some insights and inputs from you guys.


Dear friends,

Greetings of the season!

I am Aditi Yadav currently working on a research project dealing with the antecedents of successful commercialization of biotechnology firms alongwith Dr. Lata Dyaram at Dept. of Management Studies, IIT- Madras. Through this letter I mark my request to you for assistance towards accomplishing the same by filling out the appropriate responses towards the questionnaire provided below.

About the Research:
The research is pertinent and of interest to the new age biotechnology firms which operate in very uncertain environment. Through this survey, we are trying to explore the key antecedents of successful commercialization of emerging biotechnology related firms.

The questionnaire is meant for the individuals serving at the senior management level in the biotechnology related firms.

I, therefore humbly request you to fill out the trailing questionnaire as directed. The questionnaire on an average takes about 10 minutes to complete and has two parts to it. There is no right or wrong response. All the information shared here will be kept confidential, and will be used only for academic purpose.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Link to the questionnaire-

Aditi Yadav
MS Research scholar,
Department of management studies,
IIT Madras
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(09-11-2012, 03:51 AM)Administrator Wrote: Tell us something about yourself.

Hello everyone, I am Modhurika De. I'm currently doing my B.Tech in biotechnology. I'm interested in biology related disciplines and my subjects of interest are Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pharmaceuticals and Animal Biology.
I'm currently pursuing my third year in college and as a part of our academic curriculum, we are required to undergo a month of industrial training in companies specialising in our area of study. There aren't many industries that actively produce commercial products (with the exception of pharmaceutical industries). I'm focusing on getting an opportunity to train this winter. I would really appreciate suggestions regarding any good companies in or around chennai or hyderbad.
I'm also interested in getting into research later. I'm hoping to do my post grads abroad.
I hope my membership here can benefit other members as much as i hope it will benefit me! Smile
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Hi, I am Madhusudan P Dabhole from India. I am working at Richcore Life Sciences as Group Manager. With 15 years of Fermentation experience in classical and recombinant proteins and enzymes , i have a Ph.D in Microbiology from Mumbai University and PGDBA from Symbiosis,Pune. Its a great forum to interact and know the research updates in articles. Keep it up. Thank You .
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Dear Madhusudan, It would be really awesome if you could share some articles about your "Fermentation experience" on this forum. We have very little information on our forum about this topic.

Update: Dr. Madhusudan's articles can be read here:
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Hi everyone I am Shivankit Kumar, from Delhi India. Currently working in Dubai in biotech firm. Looking for out opportunities to work in India
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Hello guys, i'm Nathan Ho Anh Nhut from Saigon, Vietnam, I've just graduated this July with a engineer's degree in biotechnology. I'm loking for a job in that I can improve myself.
Nice to meet you all!
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Dear Madhusudan Dabhole, may I apply at your organisation for an opportunity to train in December 2014? I am in my 3rd year at VIT Univetsity, Vellore in the BTECH Biotechnology Program and my CGPA is 8.99. Can you please tell me the protocol for the Same? My efforts to mail has not yielded much result. Thank youIin anticipation.
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hello everyone, i am aman rishu and pursuing mechanical engg but have huge love for the bio tech and recent reasarches going in it. aman= peace, rishu= no meaning...Smile
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Hi all,

My name is James and I am from the States. I have a huge love for biotechnology and that's the course of a career I am pursuing right now.
It's very nice to meet you Smile
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Dear partners,
We are pleased to announce a new direction of our company - contract manufacturing of biotechnological products. Now you have a real opportunity to use our production sites for the aims of your own products' manufacturing. Our main activities are laboratory and pilot fermentation, biomass concentrating with further spray or freeze drying. For more information visit our website

In case of any questions please contact chief of the contract manufacturing department Nikulin Artem
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