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Migraine: Diagnosis and Classification of Headache
Hello Ian thanks very much for your interest in my post.

I believe there are many reasons why prescribed medications may not work and one of the main reasons is non-compliance. From past experience lack of the medication is always the leading cause in non-compliance. Because the hospital clinics are overwhelmed with the huge number of patients, clinic appointments tend to be biannually. And if a patient was to miss their appointment, for whatever reason, there is no concessions on another appointment date. This can lead to patients’ prescriptions not being refilled as required and hence not having any medication to take as prescribed.

Alternatively a patient can purchase the medication privately. However in most cases the medications are very costly and depending on the medication required, private pharmacies do not dispense injectables. This can lead to patients seeking cheaper, more available sources of medications such as herbal and ayurvedic medications. This is one reason why patients seek alternative medications.
I would like to share the following yoga exercises for your friend to try and see how it goes. But remember as I mentioned before it is best to seek the advice of a professional certified yoga instructor before starting the poses so ensure proper technique.

1. The Flapping Fish Pose – Matsya Kridasana

Most persons tend to sleep naturally in varying forms of this pose as it provides a deep sleep.

[Image: Matsyakridasana.jpg]

Fig. 1 Flapping Fish Pose (2014)

a. Lie on your stomach with straight legs
b. Bend the right knee keeping the left leg straight
c. Interlock your fingers, with palms downwards and turn your neck to the left side while supporting the right cheek on your fingers.
d. While extending and pointing your right elbow away from your head, point the left elbow down towards your legs, in other words try to touch your right knee with your right elbow.
e. Balance the entire body and close the eyes and relax.
f. Change sides after five minutes.

2. The Moon or Hare Pose – Shashankasana

The Moon Pose is thought to help calm an overactive mind which is common amongst person suffering with headaches.

[Image: Sasankasana+-+The+Hare+Pose.gif]

Fig. 2 Moon Pose (2012)

a. Sit on heels and place your palms on your thighs.
b. Keep head and spine straight relax while closing eyes.
c. Inhale and raise arms above your head.
d. Exhale and bend forward from the hips with abdomen pressing against the thighs, stretch your arms forward shoulder width apart.
e. Go as far forward as possible to rest your forehead and hands on the floor.
f. Hold the pose for about a minute and gradually increase to three minutes on subsequent poses.

3. Palm Tree Pose – Tadasana

This pose is very useful to help alleviate tension in the neck and shoulders. It helps develop physical and mental balance.

[Image: Tadasana%2B%28palm%2Btree%2Bpose%29.png]

Fig. 3 Palm tree Pose (2012)

a. Stand erect with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your side.
b. Breathing slowly raise your arms above your head while looking straight ahead. Interlock the fingers and turn palms upwards facing the sky.
c. Inhale deeply and raise your heels slightly off the ground. Tighten abdomen and buttocks and stretch the arms and shoulders towards the sky.
d. Stretch the whole body as high up as you can for as long as you can keep the pose.
e. Exhale and slowly release the pose, lowering arms and heels towards the ground. Repeat for about five to ten times.

1. Brummer M.2005. Yoga and Ayurveda for headaches and migraines. Positive health publications 110:45-48. Available from
2. 2015. Yoga for healthy living. Available at
3. Figure 1 (2014) [the Flapping Fish Pose] Available at
4.Figure 2 (2012) [ the Moon Pose] Available at
5. Figure 3 (2012) [ the Palm Tree Pose] Available at
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