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Features of GM Crops
Genetically modified crops are those crops whose genetic makeup has been altered by inserting a foreign gene using the techniques of genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology. These techniques enable the gene to be transferred from one plant specie to the other. These crops show the desired traits for which the foreign genes are inserted in them. Genetic engineering techniques have not just been applied on crops to make them genetically modified but animals have also been modified genetically to show certain traits.
Genetically modified crops show different traits and features which scientists have successfully inserted in them through foreign genes.

Disease Resistance:-
There are many microorganisms which cause diseases in plants and disable to grow in a healthy environment. Viruses, fungi and some of the bacteria cause many diseases which destroy plant growth as well as cause mutations in their genetic makeup. Scientists have made such changes in the plants’ genomes that now plants can protect themselves from suffering from any type of disease.

Pest Resistance:-
Pests are the biggest enemies of plants and they damage plants in a way that farmers face a great financial loss due to them. In many poor countries, people may starve because of the poor growth of plants. Usually chemicals are used to kill the pests but these chemicals are not only costly but they damage the plants’ health also. No consumer will be willing to buy such crops which are not up to the mark. Now scientists have made certain changes in plants’ genomes by inserting the genes of Bacillus thuringiensis which enable them to create resistance against diseases and pests naturally. Bt corn and Bt cotton are the examples of genetically modified crops.

Cold Resistance:-
When farmers plow the seeds and small seedlings emerge from these seeds then it is possible that these seedlings get damaged by the chill of the weather. For this reason, cold water fish genes have been introduced in the tobacco and potato plants to make them cold resistant. Now these plants have the ability to bear the harsh cold weather.

Herbicide tolerance:-
It is natural that along with useful cops, useless weeds and herbs also grow. To eliminate them farmers use expensive herbicides which can also damage the plants. It is also very time consuming to use herbicides. For this purpose, scientists have developed such plants which are resistant to herbicides. For example, soybeans have been genetically modified in a way that they do not get affected by the herbicides and grow in a healthy environment.

Many third world countries are suffering from starvation and malnutrition. They only rely on one food that is rice which cannot provide all the essential nutrients. It is possible that if rice has been genetically modified and essential nutrients are inserted in it, it can fulfill the needs of all necessary nutrients. Blindness is a common disease in children in third world countries. If vitamin A is inserted in rice, it can prevent the children from being blind. The rice which is genetically modified is called as golden rice which can provide essential nutrients because it contains beta carotene.
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Through this post we have to learn about this genetic engineering features.. thanks for sharing this informative post..
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Features of GM Crops00