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Review: Basic Instruments of Any Microbiology Laboratories and their Importance
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There are many instruments in laboratories which are important for performing various operations and testing. But when we talk of Microbiology laboratory, the most important and critical instrument is Autoclave. One cannot consider any microbiology laboratory without Autoclave. Autoclave is used for sterilization of Microbiological media, for garments as well as for destruction of Biological waste. Biological wastes are generated during microbiological operations in which life is involved. For example any microbiology media when used, has many bacteria in it. These bacteria cannot be exposed to environment directly as they can be potential sources of diseases. Therefore, such media with bacteria after use is known as Biological Waste and is categorized as “Biohazard”. Autoclave is used to inactivate such biohazard. In Autoclave, such biological waste are steam sterilized at specific time that is generally 50-65 minutes and the temperature is maintained at not less than 121 degree Celsius during this period. Autoclave is also used for sterilization of various microbiological media this helps in avoiding cross contamination during microbiological activities. Such sterilized media are used to get error free results as they can be used for specific purpose as required. Therefore autoclave is very important in any microbiology laboratory. The validation of autoclave is done periodically to ensure that the desired results are meeting consistently. Autoclave works on principal of steam pressure. As the steam pressure increases, temperature of autoclave also increases. Pressure of steam is directly related to temperature. Therefore for sterilization of any media, garment or biological waste, time and temperature relationship is very important. Autoclave sterilization is done at not less than 121 degree Celsius for times between 10 to 65 minutes depending upon the material in for sterilization. The temperature of 121 degree Celsius is set for the reason that this is the temperature where the most resistant organism (against temperature) starts dyeing. And after certain time at this temperature, they are killed completely. So this concept is taken into consideration that if most resistant organism is killed at 121 degree Celsius then obviously the sterilization will he high in SAL (Sterility assurance level).

The next in list of most important instrument in any microbiology laboratory is obviously the “Microscope”. There are different types of microscopes. Some are simple microscope, while others are compound microscopes. The type of it is used depending up on the requirement and sample under test. Now days, the most sophisticated microscope is Electron Microscope. It is able to show very micro sized viruses also. Microscope are complex optical set aligned in such a way that the object is magnified 100 to 1000 times that it is and thus are visible to eyes. The classification of bacteria can easily be done using microscope wherein, the stain obtained by bacteria, differentiate them as either Gram Positive or Gram Negative in nature. This is most used method of classifying bacteria. Electron Microscope is widely used for study of viruses and other microorganism at molecular level.

Laminar flow bench is another most important instrument in any microbiology laboratory. Laminar flow is used to maintain the clean environment. Laminar flow is generally class 100, level of classified area. LF is used to perform various testing in which contamination is not acceptable. The places or environments were testing of pathogenic organism or their handling is involved, Biological safety cabinets are used. These are laminar flow bench designed in such a way that the air does not come on to the microbiologist or operator and he is safe in handling pathogens in biological safety cabinet.

Hot air oven is also important instrument and is used for sterilization of glassware especially petri plates. This instrument is slightly different than autoclave in which temperature is the factor for killing bacteria but the temperature is not generated due to steam but it is due to dry heat. The moisture level is low and therefore higher temperature than 121 is required for dry heat to kill most resistant organism for dry heat. The hot air oven is run for generally 2-4 hours at 180 degree Celsius for sterilization of glassware.

Other instruments are incubators, deep freezers, rotary shakers, BOD incubators, Temperature-RH incubators etc. Incubators are used to incubate various media for growth of bacteria. This is done by providing specific temperature to bacteria in such incubators. The temperature is set and maintained accordingly in it. Refrigerators are used to preserve bacteria and other required microorganism.

Therefore with these basic instruments, all microbiological testing are completed and each instrument has its own role in completing microbiological testing and related activities.
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Review: Basic Instruments of Any Microbiology Laboratories and their Importance51