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Career decision after 10th | PCB or PCM for Biotechnology
I am in 10th std, can someone tell me if I should take PCB or PCM for 11th and also, am I supposed to give JEE OR AIIMS
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(11-10-2017, 07:50 PM)Dhyey Patel Wrote: I am in 10th std, can someone tell me if I should take PCB or PCM for 11th and also, am I supposed to give JEE OR AIIMS

Well that's a tough decision to make. But may I ask you what made you think of engineering / science field as the choice of career in future? My question might add to your confusion but I have seen that more often than not, students are prejudiced towards conventional options and never give ample thought to what interests them the most or what's that they enjoy the most. I am a scientist, and ideally i shouldn't be discouraging anyone looking forward to making a career in Science and technology. But, take it as a career counselling,.before giving you any advise on what exams you should go for and what subjects you should opt for, it is extremely crucial to ascertain the level of motivation.

No decision of your life or career should be made:

1. Because, everyone else is doing the same

2. Because of compulsions

It has to be a choice, because it's about how you want to live in future.

All the best
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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I originally want to be a Genetic engineering and pursue green biotechnology. And I am not making this decision because others are doing the same or any compulsions but because that is how I want to live in the future. So now can you please clear my confusions @SunilNagpal sir
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(11-11-2017, 05:35 PM)Dhyey Patel Wrote: I originally want to be a Genetic engineering and pursue green biotechnology. And I am not making this decision because others are doing the same or any compulsions but because that is how I want to live in the future. So now can you please clear my confusions @SunilNagpal sir

It's good to know that it's by choice.

So, unless you are scared of mathematics, I would strongly suggest you to go for PCMB. Keep maths as elective subject. I hope that option is still there. This will help you a lot in the long run in understanding computational and data analysis aspects of experiments. Moreover, if you are going to opt for an engineering degree, a background of maths will be a great boost.

As far as JEE or AIIMS is concerned, I don't think AIIMS has any relevant undergraduate course that would put you on a track for Research in Genetic Engineering . JEE is the exam for you as it will help you procure a seat for engineering course. Also, if you opt for Biology as a major course, appearing for NEET will also help you procure a seat in non-engineering courses (BSc) as well.

I hope that helps
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

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Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
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Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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Also, there are entrance exams of individual colleges as well.

For the time being, you may focus on getting respectable grades in 10th and 12th.

Referring to my suggestion for PCMB, opt for the same if you are confident of handling the two together (it's very much possible). For JEE you will require maths as a subject studied in 12th. And given that appearing for JEE is going to be more helpful in getting an engineering degree admission, maths is going to be useful.

If you are not comfortable in Maths, you may opt for non-engineering path as well by seeking admission in BSc courses. For engineering courses, if you manage to get a seat without maths (in some private college), still at some point of time, you "will" have to expose yourself to Maths. I was a PCB student, did a B.Tech in Biotech from private university (LPU),.studied quite a lot of Maths in BTech, then appeared for GATE, went to IITD (again studied a lot of math there) and right now my bread and butter is Data analysis (again a lot of Maths Smile )
Sunil Nagpal
MS(Research) Scholar, IIT Delhi (Alumnus)
Advisor for the Biotech Students portal (
Computational Researcher in BioSciences at a leading MNC

Suggested Reads:
Top Biotech Companies | Top places to work
Indian Biotech Companies and Job Openings
Aiming a PhD in Top Grad School? | These are the Important Points to Consider
Careers in Biotechnology | A list of various Options
Biotechnology Competitive Exams in India
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My Father would like to talk to you regarding my Admissions
If it is ok with you to share your Ph. No.
My contact no. :- 9924581122
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Career decision after 10th | PCB or PCM for Biotechnology00