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Infant Formula, but not Breastmilk, May Kill Intestinal Cells
Premature infants are susceptible to a number of different short and long term health problems. This is because various systems in the infant’s body have not fully matured. The lungs and digestive tract can be particularly worrisome when an infant is born too early. These health concerns can be fatal if the newborn does not receive proper care. One condition, called necrotizing enterocolitis, is particularly common in premature infants.

Necrotizing enterocolitis is an affliction in which the cells of the intestinal wall are killed. This condition normally affects premature infants; however, the precise cause of the necrotizing enterocolitis is unknown. The condition can be fatal, with approximately 25% of infants who contract the disease dying. It is believed that the digestive tract of a premature infant, not being fully developed, may be more susceptible in premature infants to damage from bacteria or even food. It has long been known that premature infants that have been fed formula are at a higher risk for developing necrotizing enterocolitis than premature infants who have been fed breast milk, but the reasons for this are not fully known. To determine what causes necrotizing enterocolitis and how to prevent it in premature infants, scientists have researched the different microbiota in the guts of premature infants, and have looked at the effects of different food sources on cells obtained from premature infants. Scientists have already found that breast milk-fed babies have a different array of bacteria in their intestines compared to forumula-fed babies. The different bacteria present may be involved in the development or prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis.

Recently, researchers tested to see whether digested food could cause damage to intestinal cells. They utilized nine different infant formulas, designed specifically for either premature infants or full term infants, and human breast milk. The formulas and breast milk were digested with enzymes from the pancreas and intestinal fluid. The digested formulas and breast milk were then incubated with several cell types from the intestines, including intestinal epithelial cells, intestinal endothelial cells, and neutrophils, which are a type of white blood cell involved in the innate immune system. They then measured if the formula and milk digests killed any of the cells, and how long this killing took. All of the infant formulas tested resulted in rapid cytotoxity, while the breast milk did not cause such severe damage to cells. For example, the digested formula caused death in forty-seven to ninety-nine percent of the neutrophils, while breast milk only resulted in about six percent of the neutrophils.

Researchers had previously shown that adult intestinal cells could be killed by digested food as well. This killing was attributed to the formation of free fatty acids from digestion of food. The free fatty acids were also attributed with cell killing in the above study by digested infant formula. Even though free fatty acids can be formed by many types of digested food and kill intestinal cells from premature infants and adults, premature infants are the most likely group to contract necrotizing enterocolitis. Scientists attribute this to a layer of mucus in adult intestines that protects cells from the cytotoxic effects of free fatty acids. This layer may be absent or immature in premature infants, so their intestinal cells are not protected. The researchers proposed that human breast milk is specially designed so as not to create as many damaging free fatty acids, and is therefore well tolerated by the immature intestines present in premature infants.

This research indicates a very specific potential benefit of breast milk for premature infants. Many neonatal units are beginning to focus more on providing breastfeeding support to new mothers and babies. This could help prevent many serious conditions, such as necrotizing enterocolitis, particularly in premature or other sick infants. However, some premature infants may not be able to breastfeed due to physical limitations from being born too soon. Donated or expressed breast milk from the mother are good options to help the infant thrive and prevent necrotizing enterocolitis, though this may not always be feasible for every family. The development of formulas for premature infants that does result in the production of free fatty acids could therefore help prevent the development of necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants that are unable to receive breast milk.

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Infant Formula, but not Breastmilk, May Kill Intestinal Cells - by bridgettpayseur - 04-17-2013, 05:44 AM
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