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Thread: What is the future of biotechnology?
Post: RE: What is the future of biotechnology?
Post: RE: What is the future of biotechnology?
Nice sharing.
I think the future of the biotechnology is quite bright
which provides a quality and an improved life.
Thanks for sharing.
Author: Clayton
10-20-2011, 07:17 PM
Thread: Antibiotics: what are they and how do they work?
Post: RE: Antibiotics: what are they and how do they wor...
Post: RE: Antibiotics: what are they and how do they wor...
Great posting.
Antibiotics work in two different ways either by killing the bacteria
or blocking its function. They only attack the bacterial population
present in the body and causing the disease.
Author: Clayton
Biotechnology Products
10-20-2011, 07:15 PM
Thread: Medical Biotechnology Is The Dominant Part Of Medical Science.
Post: RE: Medical Biotechnology Is The Dominant Part Of ...
Post: RE: Medical Biotechnology Is The Dominant Part Of ...
Very good posting.
I think you have made an excellent choice.
The demand of biotech professionals is on the rise,
especially in the western countries.
Author: Clayton
10-20-2011, 07:13 PM
Thread: Advancements in gene therapy
Post: RE: Advancements in gene therapy
Post: RE: Advancements in gene therapy
Nice sharing.
Gene therapy is latest method in research involving genetic
and cell-based technologies to treat diseases.
Author: Clayton
Gene and Cell therapy
10-20-2011, 07:10 PM