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Thread: Biofertilizer is an Essential Tool of Modern Agriculture
Post: RE: Biofertilizer is an Essential Tool of Modern A...
Post: RE: Biofertilizer is an Essential Tool of Modern A...
Microorganisms employed to enhance the availability of nutrients, viz., nitrogen (by fixing atmospheric nitrogen) and phosphorus (by solubilizing phosphorous), to the crops are called biofertilizers. ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Biotechnology Products
08-25-2013, 06:57 AM
Thread: Isolation of the Gene Sequence of Interest from the DNA Libraries
Post: RE: Isolation of the Gene Sequence of Interest fro...
Post: RE: Isolation of the Gene Sequence of Interest fro...
Screening based on properties of protein products of target genes have to be based on expression libraries, i.e., libraries constructed using expression vectors (expression cloning). All expression li...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-25-2013, 06:02 AM
Thread: Tumor Inducing Plasmids (Ti plasmid) of Agrobacterium
Post: RE: Tumor Inducing Plasmids (Ti plasmid) of Agroba...
Post: RE: Tumor Inducing Plasmids (Ti plasmid) of Agroba...
Plant cells do not have any endogenous plasmids. The plasmid vectors used for plant cell transformation are mostly based on pTi (tumor inducing plasmid) of A.tumifaciens, but some are derived from pRi...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-25-2013, 05:25 AM
Thread: Bioinformatics Tools - Databases, Alignment, Evolutionary and Protein Analysis
Post: RE: Bioinformatics Tools - Databases, Alignment, E...
Post: RE: Bioinformatics Tools - Databases, Alignment, E...
Bioinformatics is the science concerned with the development and application of computer hardware and software to the acquisition, storage, analysis and visualization of biological information.
A da...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
08-25-2013, 04:42 AM
Thread: Application of Genetically Modified Organisms
Post: RE: Application of Genetically Modified Organisms
Post: RE: Application of Genetically Modified Organisms
A transgenic animal contains in its genome a gene or genes introduced by one or the other technique of transfection. The gene introduced by transfection is called transgene. In animals, transfection s...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-25-2013, 02:33 AM
Thread: Waste Management and Modern Environmental Biotechnology
Post: RE: Waste Management and Modern Environmental Biot...
Post: RE: Waste Management and Modern Environmental Biot...
Human activities have not only increased by many orders of magnitude the amounts of wastes and pollutants that have always existed, e.g., human refuse etc., but they have also generated a very wide va...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Environmental Biotechnology
08-25-2013, 12:59 AM
Thread: Application of recombinant interferons in medical field
Post: RE: Application of recombinant interferons in medi...
Post: RE: Application of recombinant interferons in medi...
Interferon Mode of Action:
Interferons are released by macrophages, lymphocytes and tissue cells infected with a virus. When interferon reacts with the interferon receptors of a cell, the cell enter...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-24-2013, 07:05 AM
Thread: Somatic Hybridisation for the Production of Hybrid Plants
Post: RE: Somatic Hybridisation for the Production of Hy...
Post: RE: Somatic Hybridisation for the Production of Hy...
Somatic hybridization produces symmetric or asymmetric hybrids, or cybrids. Symmetric hybrids contain the somatic chromosome complement of both the fusion parents. But asymmetric hybrids have the full...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-24-2013, 06:08 AM
Thread: Markers Involved in Creating Genome Maps
Post: RE: Markers Involved in Creating Genome Maps
Post: RE: Markers Involved in Creating Genome Maps
A genome refers to a single set of chromosomes of an organism. Therefore, in diploid organisms, genome represents the total genetic information present in them. A genome map may be defined as a detail...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-24-2013, 05:41 AM
Thread: Potential Mechanism to Refold Proteins in Neurological Disorders
Post: RE: Potential Mechanism to Refold Proteins in Neur...
Post: RE: Potential Mechanism to Refold Proteins in Neur...
It is widely known fact that a large variety of neurodegenerative diseases are caused due to protein misfolding and aggregation as plaques. Diseases like Alzheimer’s , Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Creut...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-24-2013, 05:05 AM
Thread: Isolation and purification of plasmids
Post: RE: Isolation and purification of plasmids
Post: RE: Isolation and purification of plasmids
A plasmid is an extra chromosomal DNA molecule quite different from the chromosomal DNA. Plasmid DNA is capable of replicating independently from the chromosomal DNA. They are double stranded and usua...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-24-2013, 04:20 AM
Thread: Parameters for expression of protein
Post: RE: Parameters for expression of protein
Post: RE: Parameters for expression of protein
Protein expression is a biotechnological technique that is used by researchers to study the translation mechanism and protein presence and abundance in a cell. It has been used to study mainly for dru...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-24-2013, 04:03 AM
Thread: What is Functional Genomics?
Post: RE: What is Functional Genomics?
Post: RE: What is Functional Genomics?
Functional genomics may be defined as determination of the function of a gene product. This includes answers to the questions, how is a gene expressed, how is its product related in sequence and struc...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
08-23-2013, 04:59 AM
Thread: Construction of DNA library- The Genomic and cDNA library
Post: RE: Construction of DNA library- The Genomic and c...
Post: RE: Construction of DNA library- The Genomic and c...
Properties of cDNAs and cDNA libraries:
- Eukaryotic cDNAs are free from intron sequences
- They are smaller in size than the corresponding genes, i.e., the genes that encoded them
- A comparison of ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-23-2013, 03:50 AM
Thread: Policlonal antibodies - Strange bone or marrow illness
Post: RE: policlonal antibodies
Post: RE: policlonal antibodies
Polyclonal antibodies are antibodies produced by cells of B cell lineage in vivo. They are generated in response to immunization with specific antigenic epitopes. The polyclonal antibodies produced ar...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Biotechnology Products
08-23-2013, 01:05 AM
Thread: Please answer - Quality control of biopharmaceutical drugs
Post: RE: Please answer
Post: RE: Please answer
A (pharmaceutical) drug is a compound that has a physiological effect on a person when administered. Usually the physiological effect produced by a drug is due to its interaction with the proteins of ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Biotechnology Products
08-22-2013, 02:50 AM
Thread: Types of Mutations: Substitution, Insertions, Deletion and Frameshifts
Post: RE: Types of Mutations: Substitution, Insertions, ...
Post: RE: Types of Mutations: Substitution, Insertions, ...
Mutations in a broad sense include all those heritable changes which alter the phenotype of an individual. The term mutation was first used by Hugo de Vries; thus characterizing phenotypic changes as ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Gene and Cell therapy
08-21-2013, 07:12 PM
Thread: Bioprinting - Digital manufacture of cells onto a biological membrane
Post: Bioprinting - Digital manufacture of cells onto a ...
Post: Bioprinting - Digital manufacture of cells onto a ...
Additive manufacturing or three dimensional (3D) printing has been the latest rage in the industry for a couple of years now. Its ability to bring an image to life is being explored by engineers and s...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-20-2013, 08:28 PM
Thread: Vectors - Carriers of Genetic Material
Post: RE: Vectors - Carriers of Genetic Material
Post: RE: Vectors - Carriers of Genetic Material
A vector is a DNA molecule that has the ability to replicate autonomously in an appropriate host and into which the DNA fragment to be cloned (called DNA insert) is integrated for cloning. Therefore, ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-20-2013, 06:48 PM
Thread: Bacteria Produce Diesel Fuel
Post: RE: Bacteria Produce Diesel Fuel
Post: RE: Bacteria Produce Diesel Fuel
Diesel-like liquid obtained from materials of biological origin is called biodiesel. Diesel usually has 9-23 carbon atom hydrocarbons. Biodiesel can be obtained either from lipids accumulated in plant...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Environmental Biotechnology
08-20-2013, 05:44 PM
Thread: Biological agents as fuels: Bio fuels
Post: RE: Biological agents as fuels: Bio fuels
Post: RE: Biological agents as fuels: Bio fuels
Ethanol produced by microorganisms, e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisae, from biomass is called bioethanol. It is the most widely used biofuel used for transport purposes, especially in Brazil and USA. At p...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Biotechnology Products
08-20-2013, 05:01 AM
Thread: Drug Designing to Produce Designer Drugs
Post: RE: Drug Designing to Produce Designer Drugs
Post: RE: Drug Designing to Produce Designer Drugs
There are a variety of approaches for drug designing. The below mentioned approach aims at designing drugs, which specifically and selectively fit into the critical sites of the target molecules, ther...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Biotechnology Products
08-20-2013, 04:15 AM
Thread: Uses (and Abuses) of Genetic Engineering
Post: RE: Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering
Post: RE: Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering refers to any of the techniques or methodologies used to alter an organisms’ genome.
Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering
1. In Microorganisms:
Microorganisms have been used ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Genetic Engineering
08-19-2013, 01:24 AM
Thread: Biotechnological Methods Of Disease Diagnosis
Post: RE: Biotechnological Methods Of Disease Diagnosis
Post: RE: Biotechnological Methods Of Disease Diagnosis
Treatment of diseases utilizes a wide variety of preparations of both biological and abiological origins. The preparations of biological origin may either be crude e.g. ayurvedic medicines, some allop...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Gene and Cell therapy
08-19-2013, 12:44 AM
Thread: Chromosomal Aberrations: Numerical disorders and Structural abnormalities
Post: RE: Chromosomal Aberrations: Numerical disorders a...
Post: RE: Chromosomal Aberrations: Numerical disorders a...
Karyotyping is a technique used for screening for genetic disorders. A karyotype refers to the number and size of chromosomes in the nucleus of an organism’s cell. The arrangement of chromosomes accor...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Gene and Cell therapy
08-18-2013, 05:36 AM
Thread: What is Bioremediation Process and its Types
Post: RE: What is Bioremediation Process and its Types
Post: RE: What is Bioremediation Process and its Types
Use of biological organisms, such as bacteria, fungi (usually) and plants (sometimes), to reduce or eliminate toxic pollutants from contaminated sites by degradation, assimilation or transpiration in ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Environmental Biotechnology
08-18-2013, 05:14 AM
Thread: Xenobiotic Compounds and their Biodegradation
Post: RE: Xenobiotic Compounds and their Biodegradation
Post: RE: Xenobiotic Compounds and their Biodegradation
Xenobiotic compounds are man-made chemicals that are present in the atmosphere at unusually high concentrations. Microorganisms are able to digest most of the naturally occurring xenobiotic compounds...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Environmental Biotechnology
08-18-2013, 04:49 AM
Thread: Micropropagation - Plant Tissue Culture - Role of Growth Regulators
Post: RE: Micropropagation - Plant Tissue Culture - Role...
Post: RE: Micropropagation - Plant Tissue Culture - Role...
Advantages of Micropropagation
1. Extremely high multiplication rates e.g. 10,00,000 plants/year from single explants. As a result this technique is highly suitable for rapid multiplication of rare g...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Environmental Biotechnology
08-18-2013, 04:25 AM
Thread: Spirulina as a food supplement
Post: RE: Spirulina as a food supplement
Post: RE: Spirulina as a food supplement
Since ancient times, people near Lake Chad Africa and the Aztecs near Lake Texcoco, Mexico harvested the filamentous blue green alga, Spirulina, from the lake, dried in the sun and used as food. Such ...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Biotechnology Products
08-16-2013, 08:03 PM
Thread: Free Radicals - Role of Antioxidants in Health Improvement
Post: RE: Free Radicals - Role of Antioxidants in Healt...
Post: RE: Free Radicals - Role of Antioxidants in Healt...
Antioxidants are capable of stabilizing, or deactivating, free radicals before they attack cells. Antioxidants are absolutely critical for maintaining optimal cellular and systemic health and well-bei...
Author: SagarikaGhosh
Biotechnology Products
08-16-2013, 12:44 AM