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Drug Resistant Microorganisms - A Warning for all of us ! - Printable Version

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Drug Resistant Microorganisms - A Warning for all of us ! - ExpertScie - 06-19-2013

The adaptation to any resistance is the law of nature, and with this, the species tend to survive. The constant use of various drugs to kill bacteria during infection is a kind of resistance for bacteria. Therefore due to this resistance they cannot survive. As a law of nature, they will have to develop their own limits against such resistance in order to survive. This is what exactly they are doing and obviously the trend of their resistance against various drugs (worldwide) is the indication that they are following the law of nature for their existence. But for us (humans), this is a new challenge. Today lot of drug resistant microorganism are growing fast and establishing their infections in Animals and plants also.

‘Drug-resistant bacteria’ are today a big threat for all of us, as like climate change and global warming. This is a warning for us, with developments of new bugs day and day out throughout the world. Its seriousness is such that these lethal infections are being discussed and action plans are prepared for it in various forums including WHO, G8 meetings and UNO meets.

The time has come for humans to take appropriate actions against growing drug resistant species of microorganisms. Each of us is also responsible to work on this as one team. The action should be against spread of such bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, either by developing new technology or new drugs which will help us to get rid of it. The threat to future generations is more if this type of resistance is continuously growing. We should ensure that all our drugs are capable of removing various infections to humans, plants and animals. The day on which invention of penicillin was done was a milestone achievement. But if we see the history, we can easily guess that the day has come when microorganism are becoming resistant to even such novel drugs. Today 45 % of energy of research and development is going into invention of new technology which can be competent and similar to like the vaccines and immune system enhancements. The reason is simple we are short of drugs to such resistant microorganism.

For everything that happens in this world has a reason. And as like this, there is a reason for development of drug resistant bugs. One reason is obviously the law of nature, but what causes it is the overuse of antibiotics by doctors, and in other sections like agriculture which is leading to soaring rates of potentially harmful infections. Such infections which are untreatable and today’s existing drugs are of no use against them! Even though this is a threat to us, but humans intelligence had always overcome many obstacles that came in the way. The history of human development is its objective evidence. But every time the challenges are becoming stronger. This is not a job of once section of society or human race but the time has come for us to fight against it jointly. All doctors, all farmers, all responsible person of society has to think and control the overuse of such drugs. They should at least support this cause by joining the hands. This way we can make our earth a safer place for coming generations of humans, plants and animals.

Today scientists are working at war front to discover and deliver new susceptible drugs. Many organizations and Government bodies are working in collaboration on disease monitoring and on far reaching measure that would control on excessive use of antibiotics. Increasing drug resistant strains of TB and E.coli have been observed in many parts of world. While almost eighty percent of gonorrhea is now resistant to the antibiotic tetracycline. This is a warning that the infection could become untreatable.
Many new techniques and drug delivery methods are emerging which are helping in reducing the resistance to drugs. One of such recent example is the research against drug resistant TB, this research had found a unique way of targeting two Mtb enzymes, in which one supporting TB replication and the other TB dormancy and persistence.

This compound is known as TCA1 which also showed potent effects against non-replicating TB. Tests in mice confirmed TCA1's effectiveness. Further if the combination of TCA1 and isoniazid is made, it is more powerful than present drug regimens. The good news is that TCA1 has no sign of toxicity or adverse side effects in cell culture and in other experiments. This is one new method and technology against drug resistant bacteria and researcher are working a lot on resolving this global issue of drug resistant microorganisms.

As a responsible human being let us jointly fight against this global issue for us and for our coming generations!

RE: Drug Resistant Microorganisms - A Warning for all of us ! - lyka_candelario - 08-21-2013

It’s a tougher time this year as more superbugs are arising and a lot of antibiotics are still in their earlier phase of experiments.

Let’s look into the well-known antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

We have the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA which is a type of staph bacteria resistant to a range of beta-lactam antibiotics. Such bacteria resist the mechanisms of action of penicillin, methicillin, oxacillin, and amoxicillin.

These microorganisms are actually normal flora in the skin and even in the nose. They only become a nuisance when they cause infection, especially to those with weakened immune systems. Although some staph-caused infections are easily treatable, the MRSA on the other hand, are more stubborn since they do not respond to their prescribed antibiotics.

Since staph can be found in the skin, its mode of transfer is also through physical contact. Staph bacteria can be passed through burns, wounds, IV sites, and when inside the body, they can reach the blood, eyes, heart, or bones. When infected, a wound infection of yours may appear tender and red. Boils and abscesses may also appear.

Next, we also have the multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It causes the disease tuberculosis but having resistance to one of its drug therapies. These could either be rifampicin (RMP) or isoniazid (INH), which are the two most powerful first-line treatment of anti-TB medications. Since pulmonary tuberculosis alone needs an array of drugs to get rid of the disease for a long duration, it is possible that compliance can be interrupted. This then produces bacterial resistance.

Another common nosocomial infection-producing microorganism is the vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). It is also a natural resident of our skin and intestines and do not usually cause problems. They can raid other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and skin wounds when as an infection. The microbes can also spread through casual contact or from contaminated materials. People who get skin infection by VRE can have red and painful wounds, common urinary difficulties when with UTI, and for some, diarrhea, body malaise, and fever. Such bacteria become resistant when it acquires a special part of its DNA, called the plasmid.

The rise of superbugs and their imminent spread to easily accessible areas have caused tension to scientists and other health care professionals. It is but everybody’s job to be valiant in disease prevention protocols in which the simplest way is sanitation.