This given information about biotechnology colleges are very helpful to every people who want to continue their future in this field. This post provides all colleges list to every people.
Good decision buddies you have made. but still study in USA is quite expansive you should make more research about the fee structure and scholarship too. Scholarship is bit hard to achieve as this requires outstanding marks.
There are many factors to consider when choosing a graduate biotechnology program, in addition to how well it’s ranked. Sometimes, these very high level programs are not ideal. Extremely prestigious institutions, like Harvard, know how hard students will work to get into a program. This means they have the students working for them, instead of working for the students’ education.
For example, because the students’ are so eager to go to high-ranked university, their principle investigator’s can give them very risky and difficult projects. This could mean the student will not get results quickly, and may take a very long time to finish a program and graduate with a PhD. In addition, the student may not get as many publications. You should ask students in the program to see how long the average student takes to graduate. The number and quality of publications student have is also an important question to ask when looking at perspective universities.
The ranking of the institution is not the only factor you should consider when choosing a graduate program. Finding a school with professors researching fields you are interest in should be the first step. The professors should be eager to help mentor students and develop scientists, as opposed to getting cheap labor. Speaking of labor, many programs will offer a stipend for graduate students. Some universities will require extra teaching or research assistance in addition to performing your own research. Many programs, however, will provide your stipend for your performing your own work, allowing you to focus better. The stipend will vary depending on the university. When comparing stipends, also consider cost-of-living expenses. For example, apartment rental in New York City is substantially more expensive than in Iowa. If the program you choose does not offer stipends, consider looking for fellowships and grants to help fund your education.
I am in the final year of BSC in Biotechnology.. please tell me if I can pursue MS in USA
(09-24-2013, 02:20 AM)Nithesh Nibu Wrote: [ -> ]I am in the final year of BSC in Biotechnology.. please tell me if I can pursue MS in USA
You can apply for Masters/MS after scoring well in the GRE test. Additionally, you will need to clear TOEFL with over 600 points. If your BSc is a 3 year course then it can be an issue, there are some universities (in fact most I believe) which do not accept overseas students with less than a four year bachelor's degree.
But if you have exceptional grades, GRE scores and research experience, most schools would also be willing to overlook this requirement.
Before you prepare for GRE / TOEFL,
I recommend that you get in touch with some US universities and ask them if they will accept your credentials. Admission criteria varies significantly among various universities in the United States therefore there is no single correct answer applicable across the board.
Also keep your options open for other countries too. Some colleges in UK, Canada or Australia may suit you better.
Good luck.
(07-19-2010, 05:28 AM)Charles Wrote: [ -> ]I am trying to compile a list of best ranked Biotech Schools/Colleges for studying Bachelors/Masters in United States of America. This is just a start, I need some help to make this list more comprehensive.
- University of California - San Francisco
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of California - San Diego
- Johns Hopkins University
- Washington University - St. Louis
- University of Washington
- University of California - Los Angeles
- Yale University
- Stanford University
- Rockefeller University
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Purdue - West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Oregon State University - Corvallis
- Northwestern University - Evanston, IL
- MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What do you think .. ?
can u please tell me are these colleges are also offering any diploma courses in biotechnology related sciences? please do inform me about the list of courses offered by related college if any. particularly if any in Santa Clara,California.
hey friends, i am doing bsc 3year course. am i eligible to apply for the us univ?
(07-19-2010, 05:28 AM)Charles Wrote: [ -> ]I am trying to compile a list of best ranked Biotech Schools/Colleges for studying Bachelors/Masters in United States of America. This is just a start, I need some help to make this list more comprehensive.
- University of California - San Francisco
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of California - San Diego
- Johns Hopkins University
- Washington University - St. Louis
- University of Washington
- University of California - Los Angeles
- Yale University
- Stanford University
- Rockefeller University
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Purdue - West Lafayette, Indiana.
- Oregon State University - Corvallis
- Northwestern University - Evanston, IL
- MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What do you think .. ? - Charles - check out one of the oldest Biotech undergrad programs in the country
Hi Charles - Did you get my previous reply? You might want to consider one of the oldest Biotechnology programs in the country at Rutgers University. See This program has trained many students over the last 25 years and graduates include one of the original group that started Amgen, and others with success in industry, academic research and in medical careers, etc.
Again -