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Tell us something about yourself.
Hi everyone! I'm newbie and hope everyone will be fine here.
My name is Kelsey and I belong to Texas USA.Body building and music are my hobbies.
This forum awesome for sharing ideas and suggestions.Hope for nice time.
I am Shayan Ghani from India and am pursuing my BSc degree in biotechnology from Patna University B.N college
Hello everyone
Peter is here. I'm newbie for this forum. I am here to discuss about various topics.
Hi,every one!
My name is Barathvaj and I'm from India.I'm doing my Bsc degree in Biotechnology.I'm gonna finish my Graduate and gonna do Msc/ Pg degree.
My hobbies-listening to music and watching adventures and Sci-fi movies.
I love science ,especially bio.My ambition is to become a Biotechnologist/ Genetic engineer..
I hope all helps me and guide me to get more knowledge in biotechnology
Thanks for all.
I'm student for all those who teaches your student !
hi bvs, welcome to the forum. Biotech has tremendous scope, so we wish you a great career ahead. Biotechnology is a vast subject so do take some time to share your knowledge with others on the forum (in form of articles and leaving replies for others).
Hi everyone!
am newbie here i read this forum more than tow day's but today i finally decided to join it for getting more new informative information from here and i would like say thanks to all of you for allow me as a member of this community i hop i will enjoy here i really appreciated you on this operating keep it up!!

Thanks for your complement. Welcome to the forum.

Hi all. I am new to this forum.My name is Alexander.They always say that Mr. Alexander is friendly, sensitive, caring and determined . I love bio。。。
how to change my head portrait ? I'll have a try.
Hello i m rooduf from UK,welcome to everyone.I love to participate in discussions and views,hopefully we will spend great time over here

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