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Arteriosclerosis, narrowing of the arteries that lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, is the leading cause of death in the world. Until now, there was no method of treatment of this disease that would lead to increased drug efficiency and reduce their harmful effects. To overcome this problem, a group of researchers from the Swiss "Unige", "HUG" and the University of Basel has developed an actual "time bomb", a method that can identify the affected area and treat them only.

In Switzerland, more than 20,000 people (37% of all deaths) die each year from cardiovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis. Different methods of treatment are available for patients, but there is no medicine that can treat only the affected area, which often causes a number of adverse effects. Intravenous injection of vasodilators (substance that dilates blood vessels), such as nitroglycerin, causes the dilatation of all blood vessels, not just those affected with the disease. This can cause a drop in blood pressure, which in turn leads to reduction of desired blood flow due to the vasodilatation of diseased blood vessels, which is unwanted, for example, in a heart attack. To increase the effectiveness of treatment in the fight against arteriosclerosis and to minimize side effects, the researchers from "UNIGE", "HUG" and the University of Basel has developed so-called nanocontainers which have the ability to release vasodilatators only in the diseased areas.

Nanotechnology in Medicine

Although no specific biomarkers for atherosclerosis have been identified, there is a physical phenomenon related to stenosis (narrowing of the blood vessels) known as the "shock of the blood vessel." This is due to fluctuations in blood flow caused by narrowing of the arteries. With the help of this phenomenon, the research team has developed a true "time bomb", a nanocontainer which, under pressure due to "shock of the blood vessel" in narrowed arteries, releases vasodilatating substances. By the rearrangement of the structure of individual molecules (phospholipids) in the ordinary nanocontainers such as liposome, scientists allowed them to change to the lenticular shape, opposite from the normal round shape.

The shape of the lens, nanocontainer can move smoothly through the healthy arteries. This new nanocontainer is perfectly stable, unless in case of shock of the constricted blood vessels. And that is exactly the intention of technological progress. Vasodilatators are distributed only in the narrowed arteries, significantly improving the effectiveness of treatment and reducing the side effects. "In short, we used the unexplored aspect of existing technology. This study provides a new perspective in the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease, "explains Andreas Zumbuehl from the Department of Organic Chemistry," UNIGE ".

Nanomedicine is the discipline that comes from general nanoscience, only it is focused on medical research. Interdisciplinary cooperation between chemistry, physics, basic sciences and clinical medicine in the technological environment can lead to a new era in the study.

Contribution of Chemistry

How did scientists succeed to change shape of nanocontainers so they begun to look like the lens? By rearranging the structure of molecules, chemists in UNIGE replaced the links that connect the two parts of the phospholipids (head and tail) by amino group, an organic compound that promotes interaction among the phospholipids. After modifying, the molecules are hydrated, and then heated to form a liquid sphere which will relax in the lens shape by cooling. The researchers then created, for the purpose of the experiment, an artificial cardiovascular system using polymer pipes that are blocked at different levels to represent healthy and stenotic arteries. Then, the artificial extracardial pump is connected with the arteries to produce the shock of the narrowed blood vessels. Nanocontainer is inserted into the system, and samples were taken from diseased and narrowed parts. It was found that the drug was found in higher concentrations in diseased areas than in those that were healthy, and that its concentration is much higher than in the case of classical homogeneous distribution.

Nanomedicine in Creation of Artificial Blood Vessels

That would be a good solution for moderately damaged blood vessels. But what about the vessels that are highly damaged? They would need a replacement, and again, the nanomedicine has a possible solution.
An artificial artery created by British scientists will introduce a revolution in cardiac surgery. Blood vessel of polymers that prevent blood clots resembles spaghetti, because of its shape and flexibility. Therefore, it is more effective than synthetic arteries that are susceptible to clotting and too rigid to pulse in the rhythm of the heart.

Patients suffering from cardiovascular disease, heart attack or threatened with amputation because of blood clots in the arteries or the narrowing of blood vessels are forced to undergo the bypass surgery. As a bypass, or bypass the damaged part of the vessel, a piece of a healthy vein can be taken from the leg, or if the patient has no healthy veins (one in three), a plastic instrument, artificial arteries or veins - graft (graft ) are used. However, these plastic vessels that are currently in use are too rigid to pulse while the blood flows through the body and can not be found in small sizes, because they are not sufficiently effective. In addition, the material of which they are made stimulates the creation of blood clots.

Blood vessel which was developed late last year by professor George Hamilton, a vascular surgeon, and Alexander Sefalian, an expert in nanotechnology and tissue regeneration of the Royal Hospital in London, is made of a polymer that is enhanced with several types of special molecules. Some of them stimulate circulation, other stem cells that are "pinned" to the walls of the vessel. It enhances the flexibility and allows the use of small lumens (less than 8 mm).

The inner side of the "spaghetti" has a layer of millions of tiny prickles, each of which is a thousand times thinner than a human hair, that attract stem cells. Once they "enter" into the artery, stem cells grow and merge into the endothelium - a set of cells that cover the healthy blood vessels from inside. They overlay the entire interior of artificial arteries, which makes them flexible and prevents the formation of blood clots. New grafts pulsate rhythmically to fit a heartbeat. Material from which they are made is strong, flexible, resistant to clotting and can not be braked, most importantly. It was created with the help of nanotechnology, so that it can withstand a big pressure.